Furry World/Male Raccoon/Tunnel 2-1: Attack the tentacles now

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You leap from your crouch toward the mass of tentacles, dagger ready to slash.

Bad move. Just as you're about to strike the first tendril, half a dozen more suddenly spring out from the flower and quickly snag your arms and legs, halting your progress immediately. Before you can react, one tentacle slaps your hand sharply, forcing you to drop your dagger, and then they all tighten their grip around you. They pull you away from your companion, spread your arms and legs painfully wide, and turn you so you are forced to watch what happens next.

The tentacles slithering their way up Tara's legs start to leave trails of goo as they approach her groin. She struggles again and yells, "Let me go!", but the tentacles just continue their assault. You watch two more of them appear from over her shoulders and slide easily down into the top of her unitard - you can see them clearly as they investigate the warm, soft fur underneath that stretchy material. They slide down to the outsides of her bosom, then curl around to heft her breasts, then change direction and make their way further down her belly.

You struggle against your own restraints, trying in vain to get a hand free. You call out, "Hang in there, Tara! I'm trying to get free!" But the tentacles respond by pulling your arms behind your back and binding them together tightly, while your legs are held as far apart as you can stand. Another thick tendril coils around your chest and squeezes tight for a moment, forcing you to exhale and then preventing you from inhaling again, just long enough to make you start to see stars before it loosens its grip. It seems to have been a warning, and you stop struggling for the moment, just watching.

The tentacles inside the cat's unitard suddenly arc outward, away from her body, stretching the garment quickly to its limits. They appear to be almost showing off their great strength as they pull harder against it, stretching it further still until it begins to rip apart. Once each tip has created a hole in the black unitard, it curls tightly back and yanks on the fabric until it easily rips away. Tara whimpers at being undressed in such a forceful fashion, but she is powerless to do anything about it. The cavern fills with the sounds of the garment being ripped to shreds, one piece at a time. You watch as her plump breasts are exposed to the cool air, and then you see a thick tentacle slide out from between her legs, poking out from the crotch of that catsuit as though it was an erection of her own. Then that tentacle too pulls downward, easily tearing the remainder of the unitard in half, now leaving her pussy exposed as well.

Now that they've successfully denuded her, the tentacles lift Tara into the air and angle her backward a bit, spreading her legs wide so you get a good view of her crotch. Having made her spread-eagled like this, you can clearly see her labia, glistening in the light despite herself, and her tight pucker below.

The tentacles that had been sliding up her legs now start to tease at those nether openings, one brushing itself up and down the length of her slit while the other one rubs at her tailhole. Both of them leave more of that slimy goo at each spot. The cat gasps and groans at the touch, trying her best to shy away from it but, again, being totally powerless.

You call out again, "Magicka!"

Tara tenses up and manages to close her legs, straining against those tentacles. But the creature responds by wrapping a second set of tentacles around each leg and wresting them apart again, gripping them tight while another pair circle around her breasts and squeeze them harshly at their bases. You can see her submit, utterly defeated, her body slacking now.

Furry Status (Shadow)
Health 100 Equipment:


Gender Male
Species Raccoon

Furry Status (Tara)
Health 100 Equipment:


Gender Female
Species Cat
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