Ultimatum Stories: Lucas/Talk to him

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"I can't talk to him. He hates me..." Claus grabs the book and opens it to the picture of you and Ness. He tries drying the wet stain caused by your tear.

"He clearly doesn't. He looks so happy in this picture. You guys were the perfect match. Who's to say you're not still the perfect match." You look down and at your lap.

"When I started to be rude to him. That's when." Claus puts his hand on your back.

"You two just need to restart. Talk to him. Be the person you used to be. Mom wouldn't like it if you stayed in your feelings the entire time, would she?" You haven't had the proper time to talk with your brother in so long. You miss it. You shouldn't have stopped. You smile softly before looking at Claus.

"I'll try...I really will." Claus smiles before bringing you into a hug. It takes some time, but you finally hug back. The two of you share your first hug in months, years even. You melt into the hug. "Thank....thank you so much." Claus didn't say anything back, but the smile on his face when he broke the hug was enough.

"Now get ready, the bus will be here soon." He stands up and leaves the room. You're already pretty ready so you just grab your bag and leave the house. Claus follows close behind you. Soon enough, the bus does come. He's the first on the bus. You get on and look around at the different places to sit. You can sit by yourself like you usually do, or you can sit by....Ness. Yes, he doesn't have anyone sitting with him. You see Claus's face egging you on.

Sit next to Ness

Sit by yourself

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