The King of Eren (Under Siege)

From Create Your Own Story

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"Sire," he says, "The enemy have dug into defensive positions at the foot of the Greatwall. It's a siege, it seems. They can't get in and we can't get out, just so long as the Greatwall stands between us and them. Our men have drawn the lifts up. The only way they're getting through it is with explosives or a really big ladder."

You nod. It's not new information to you. This is just how you predicted it would go down. You've scarcely an idea as to how to counter it. If you do not fight, they will starve you out. But your men are too tired and beaten from the defeats after defeats that led you here. Now, you're not certain this war is even winnable.

"Sire," your Marshal says. "I need to know what your orders are. I can tell the men to hold the line if that is your wish."

You wave your hand at him.

You give the order to...

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