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From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 16:30, 1 February 2021 by Johnnyapplesseed (Talk | contribs)

He smiles at you, as if he just won. He puts a hand on your shoulder. He then pulls you from across your neck. He leads you with his warm arms. “We want you for this party. You’re gonna…” He trails off. You don’t care, you were only half listening. You’ve talked enough with David to realize he often rambles on about nothing.

You squirm a little under his arm. It is a little sweaty and the heavy smell of a masculine deodorant has your head nauseous.

He notices your grimace and pulls away. “We start at 12:00 after prom, Jared's house,” he says.

He smiles with his teeth then bounces away, the other guys he’s with all give you a “look”, then follow David away.

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