Male Star

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 08:38, 28 December 2020 by TheMaster (Talk | contribs)

Your name is Adam Bourne and you are 18 years old. After your high school graduation, you decided to move to Los Angeles, California to peruse your dream of being a famous celebrity. Unfortunately for you, this will not be that easy. You only have $2000 that you collected from graduation money plus your bank savings of $3000. While this gives you $5000, that is barely enough to pay your expenses. You are faced with the decision on where you will be living.

1 Bedroom Apartment (City Centre) ~$2000 per month

1 Bedroom Apartment (Outside City Centre) ~$1700 per month

Status Bar
Health 100 Relationships:

Age: 18

Money: $5000

Status Horny
Gender Male
Orientation Straight
Fame Extra
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