Tend to Mr. Wilson first

From Create Your Own Story

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You decide it makes most since to check in on Mr. Wilson first and make sure you can find out what you can from him before corrupting the others. You have Mikey lead the way and lead your group down the hall. You enter the master bedroom and see Mr. Wilson sitting on his bed, clutching a wound in his side.

Mikey made introductions. "Mr. Wilson, my dad came to save us! This is our neighbor and these two are..." he trailed off indicating the smaller man and the larger man. "I'm Andy." The smaller man said. You had to hide your look of surprise you had not heard him speak this whole time. He had a relaxed, casual accent. When you had first seen his face you had figured he was a frat bro and now you felt almost sure of it. The larger man paused before saying "My name's Dan."

You smiled to yourself thinking at how many times these two had fucked you and all the fucked up shit you had seen and you had just found out their names. Mr. Wilson looked curiously at Dan before saying "I know Dan, it's me, Marty! Don't you recognize me? We've worked together for years?" Fuck! you thought.

You quickly change the subject and say, "It's been a long night and I think Dan here is shellshocked." Dan waits for a bit and then nods in agreement at your words. You turn back to Mr. Wilson and say, "You look pretty rough. I'm no doctor but I think we need to get a compress on that wound and maybe some alcohol to sterilize?"

Mikey piped up to say, "I said the same. But most of the first-aid stuff is in the guest bathroom with Aiden..."

"Well," you say, "then we are just going to have to go in and get it."

Mr. Wilson said "He'll kill you." You looked at Dan and Andy and said there are three of us and one of him. I think we can manage."

Mr. Wilson looked down and said, "I can't let him hurt anyone else. People like him came and took my wife and daughter. I can't let him be like that." He hands you his gun and says, "If it comes to it... take him quick." Oh I am gonna take him quick you thought to yourself quick and hard and rough.

You, Andy, Dan, and Mr. Park leave the bedroom to go to the bathroom Aiden is held in. Mr. Park is to stay with Mikey and Mr. Wilson for protection. Once out of the room you turn to your companions and say, "When we get in the room just hold him down. I'll take care of the rest." They nod in agreement.

You open the bathroom door and see Aiden, naked and chained to the base of the pedestal sink by his arms. He's a cute boy for the most part. He has sandy blonde hair, blue eyes, and toned but not overly muscular build. However in his present naked state whatever boyish charm he might had is replaced with a perverse and carnal scene. He's naked and writhing on the ground, his hard cock sticking out. He also has a sizable gash on his forehead which still bleeding. Judging by the blood on the tiled wall next to Aiden, you figure the banging you heard early was Aiden slamming his head against the wall.

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