Fetish- Rectum

From Create Your Own Story

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"I guess I'll get the worst out of the way. I'll go with the rectal exam." Sarah said hiding her face in her hands. Dr. Lenir reached over and rubbed her shoulder.

"I know you feel embarrassed right now. I would feel the same way if I was in your place but remember I do stuff like this everyday. Are your underwear off right now?" He asked still rubbing her shoulder. Sarah nodded her head still feeling embarrassed. "Alright, that's good. Now do you want to watch what I'm going to do or would you like to keep your eyes shut? Some people find it comforting to watch as then they know what I'm doing. Some prefer to keep their eyes shut as they feel less embarrassed. It's whatever you feel comfortable with, I won't judge you either way." He said in the calmest voice possible.

"I'll...um... can I watch?" Sarah shyly asked.

"Of course you can. If you need to close your eyes at any point you can. It's not like I can force you to keep them open. I'll go as slow and gently as I can to keep you comfortable. If anything hurts, tell me." He said before walking over to the counter to get the supplies ready.

She sat on the bed watching him grab a packet of lube and the tools he needs. She felt like she was drowning in embarrassment at that moment. She has a hot doctor who is looking at sensitive areas of her body. She thought about asking for a switch to an ugly doctor. At least then she wouldn't feel as embarrassed. After about a minute, he walked back and set his materials on the sterile table next to him.

"Alright let's get this exam started. I know this won't feel great so just tell me if anything is bothering you and we can try to fix it." He opened the packet of lube and poured some of it onto his finger. "I'm going to need you to breathe in and count to 3 on three breathe out, okay?" Sarah nodded her head.

Fetish- 1...2...3

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