Strip and offer them your body

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You saw what they were about to do to Melanie and you you figure you might as well give them what they want in the hopes they will leave you alone after.

As soon as you dart into your room you strip off the shirt you're wearing and you pull down your pants with lighting speed. Nude, you lower yourself to your knees just as the shorter man in a mask bursts into your room.

You see the man pause for one sec, he quickly process the situation and is then immediately on you. He shoves his pants down, reveals his cock and shoves it in your mouth. There is no rhythm to his movements, he is just wildly bucking his hips to get his cock further into your wet mouth.

At first you gag a bit and attempt to pull your mouth away slightly, he instantly grabs your head and begins skull fucking you. His movements are so wild and harsh that you don't even notice that the larger man has entered the room until you see him, now fully nude walk around you and the shorter man, to place himself behind you. He doesn't say a word you just hear him spit into his hand and start rubbing his cock and even that is hard to make out with the shorter man fucking your face so brutally.

This is really bad you think. Before long your fear is confirmed, like his cohort the large man has no interest in foreplay. As soon as his cock is wet enough to fit into your hole he slams himself inside you. Again, you attempt to free yourself but the bigger man is even stronger than his companion and holds you in place by grabbing your hips with his hands and forcing you in place.

His cock feels enormous as it penetrates your anal ring and assaults your insides as fast as it can. The pounding you are getting at both ends is too much, you feel a pressure building in you as you are almost sure that you are gagging so hard on one cock that you are about to throw up and at the other end you are sure you are about to bleed out from the assault. The pressure inside you builds and builds and then... a calm.

You have no idea where it came from, one second ago you were sure you were going to die but now... now you felt great. You felt better than you had in days, months, years! A warmth spread through your body and the origin points seem to be from the cocks now inside you. It felt so good to be filled like this and you know find your self pushing back against the giant man's cock in your ass, wanting more of it inside of you. You also take both hands, place them on the shorter man's hips and bring rocking his hips with your hands, feeding more of his delicious cock into your eager mouth.

You've never felt like this during sex before and you never wanted this to end. Your companions seem to be feeling the same way, their moans became more and more animalistic as they fucked you at both ends.

The warmth that was emanating throughout your body began to increase, you felt higher than any drug had made you. You hear both men's moans turn to grunts and then to roars as the cum in you, filling you from both ends. You begin to feel yourself cum as well. But unlike any other time you had cum you don't feel a come down, you just feel perpetually high.

You sit in the moment, savoring it. Neither man has moved off of you or pulled there cocks from you. You slowly stand after a while, neither man makes any attempt to stop you. You feel so amazing as you walk around your room. You come to your window, looking down at a scene of broken windows, screams, and fire but you do not care. This feeling is amazing.

You turn back to the two men. You notice they are both still wearing their ski masks. "Take those off." You say. You don't know where the command came from it just felt natural to say. Never mind the fact that these two men could have been dangerous, they had come here to rape someone after all. They both immediately remove their masks at your command, almost as if you had controlled them.

You look at their faces. The shorter man seems to be in his 20s, clean shaven, with a frat boy look about him. The larger man looks to be in his 40s-50s. He has graying hair, with a big but well kept beard, and bushy eyebrows. He isn't as handsome as the frat boy but he has a real daddy vibe.

Neither of the men make any move while you examine them, they just stay still seemingly waiting for instruction.

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