Continue to Third Person mansion

From Create Your Own Story

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Approaching the gate causes it to swing open and you just walk up the extensive path leading to the mansion's entrance. The path has all sorts of twists and turns but it gives you a chance to see some of the trimmed plants and gargoyle statues littered throughout the property. Upon reaching the entrance to the mansion the doors open and an old man steps out, wearing a tuxedo with white gloves.

"Good morrow, good sir." he says in a very British accent, "I am Horace, the caretaker of these grounds as well as the founder of Third Person. Right this way so we get you all checked in." You don't even get a chance to reply before he's grabbed you by the wrist with one hand, and simply waves the other over your arm which causes some sort of floral patterned tattoo to blink into existence on your arm before immediately disappearing.

You're still trying to process what is happening when Horace simply pushes you through the door and closes it behind you. And the sight before you're eyes takes makes you forget about all the strange things that just happened.

Beautiful women are everywhere. There's at least 50 women in this entrance hall alone. Most of them have their bare flesh entirely exposed. It's absolutely divine. There are some who are already in the middle of the act with other patrons and it looks like even some of the security staff have joined in the fun. At least why else would they be dressed the same as that Horace? And honestly who could blame them? Every single feminine specimen here is flawless without question. Like some sort of actress and models only orgy club. The sight and smells and sounds have invaded your psyche and it's almost like your currently rising member is about to take over your whole consciousness. That burning desire to bury yourself inside these women is making you dizzy.

"You seem to be having quite a bit of trouble for only just walking in." a soft voice says just outside your field of vision. "There's so much more to explore than just this entrance hall. See those doors off to side? You can have more personalized fun there. Or how about the stairs back at the end of the hall? Up goes to salvation and down goes to insanity. You have no idea what you're missing out on getting caught in the entrance spell. How about this? Come play with me a little and I'll guide you through the wonders of this mansion."

Finally turning your head towards the voice you lay eyes on her. The shining brilliance of her pink eyes staring and boring through to your soul. Complimented by pink shoulder length hair and a playful grin on her face. Her features were thin, narrow, almost elfish. She wore a maid's dress with white gloves and leather boots. She had the front of her dress held up for you to see her bare mound, glistening in anticipation for you. Do you:

Wade into the sea of women

Attempt to investigate the side rooms

Attempt to get to the stairs

Engage the pink haired girl

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