Sex Chambers

From Create Your Own Story

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In an already secretive school, you remember walking around the back of a building when you were late to class. On that day, you eaves dropped on a conversation between two of the faculty members in the school, 'a place where the more...depraved gather' so they said. The librarian is the gate keeper and will only let you in if you check out a very specific book, The Lamb of the Lion's den. You don't have one of the books yourself because it's hard to come by, usually passed around to select members.

You get hard just thinking about it. Something about a place you aren't allowed inside in a school where you're allowed to start an orgy in the middle of lunch must be something crazy.

Marko might want to get in as well. He hasn't told you, but you get the feeling he'd want in on something not pleasant to most other people. Plus he might be able to help if you spread out and look for clues.

Do you...

Call up Marko to tell him about this


Maybe leave it alone, it might be too much to handle

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