VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Location (2222).

From Create Your Own Story

VRX 9000: Sex Games

Random Adventures - Pixie's Punishment

Part 5: The Location - Part 2


The Story:

You read the email and sit back on your bed with a small frown then can't help but laugh before rereading it again then tossing your phone across the bed. Really? Really? A date? "Pixie, Roxy and I are having a good time together and have decided to go on a date today. You will be joining us. We'll pick you up at 11am sharp. You will be dressed in a mini skirt and a loose crop top. Nothing else. You know what happens if you get any of this wrong."

Giving a loud sigh you plop back onto your bed and wrap yourself up in the covers before screaming in frustration into them muffling yourself. Fuck. The blackmail bit was a pretty rough curve ball with your new found bondage life but after your session at the club with Cassandra you were actually pretty happy with it. If it took blackmail to make you do that then fine. But fuck, Roxy just had to be brought into it. You can't help but hate yourself a little bit as you acknowledge you are a little bit jealous. And hateful. That bitch punched you in the stomach and acted like you were like a piece of meat! At least Cassandra knows how to be a mistress.

Fuming and blushing a bit with some very mixed up emotions that you can't quite sort out you finally eat breakfast and shower before going through your clothing. You have one very, very revealing mini skirt that you usually wear with something else. Alone it might be too much but, that is what Cassandra wants. You didn't even consider wearing it during your first meeting but now that you understand that there will be no hiding yourself your inhibitions have gone out the window it seems. Slipping it up your athletic thighs and hips you pull on a tiny white crop top that hangs over your breasts and that is about it showing off your iron-board stomach and soft pale skin.

You wait in your room until almost 11am before you suddenly realize you don't want your parents to get any kind of wind of this. You better get outside so they don't honk or anything. You quickly sneak outside and down the driveway without your parents catching wind of you. Not that they would care you left. Probably scream at you for your outfit though. You've flashed your ass at least three times just getting out of the house.

Right at 11am an old beat up convertible without the top shows up with Roxy driving and Cassandra in the passenger seat. You can't help but blush looking over the two standing there looking like a slut getting picked up on a street corner. They both look amazing, Roxy with a beautiful long-sleeved white sweater with long tassels stopping short of her stomach. Under that she is wearing tight black pants that show off her impressive ass. Cassandra overshadows her slightly with a stunning light orange and white sun dress that clings to her skin showing her long athletic legs and hints at her average but sensual curves. Ok, maybe this won't be so bad. Right? Two super hot chicks wanting to play with your body, right? God, fuck Roxy. You can't help but think it as she gives you a knowing grin lowering some sun glasses and looking you over.

"Get in bitch." She says with a smirk.

You open up the back door and slide into the back and Roxy takes off. God you have no idea where you are going. "Mistress." You say hardly audible.

"Pixie." Cassandra says looking back over her shoulder and turning to get a better look at you. "You are to sit in the middle with your legs spread as widely as you can with your arms up around the headrests. Before you do that I want these on your nipples and clit." She says tossing you a small plastic bag with three vibrating pills inside it.

Blushing you nod slowly before remembering and quickly muttering "Yes mistress." Cassandra allows it for now although you see her frown so you quickly get to work on her command letting your shorter blonde hair whip in the wind as Roxy drives. Taking the bag you slowly apply the pills to your most sensitive areas lifting up your shirt and skirt. You press them firmly against your nipples then secure them with a single piece of very strong tape before doing the same with your clit. You blush just getting turned on by applying them then put the bag on the floor and get into the position your mistress wants. You spread your legs almost touching both doors completely revealing your tight little cunt and the vibrator under the mini skirt along with a big of ass cleavage from behind. You lean back and run your arms behind the two head rests making your crop top come up enough to show off some under cleavage with the vibrator clearly visible pressed against the tight fabric.

You stay in position for a few moments before gasping as your mistress turns on the vibrators making them hum aggressively against your most sensitive spots. You bite your lip as the two pull up to a stop light and look back at you through their stylish sunglasses watching you squirm fully exposed.

"Beg to cum, slut." Roxy says with a quick laugh. "I want to hear you begging us and talking dirty from the back seat while we drive. If you are good Cassandra here let me bring a fun new toy for you." She says grinning and raising an eyebrow expectantly.

You just blush and do your best not to scowl at her but instead look to your mistress for approval instead. She simply nods and also waits expectantly.

Fuck, you have to do this. And people can hear you in this convertible! You are just glad no one is next to you right now. This is so humiliating! "Please let me cum mistress." You say biting your lip again stopping a gasp as the vibrator hums relentless against your increasingly sensitive clit. "I want to cum so badly." You moan seductively this time, the car pulling forward moments later. Cassandra continues to watch you over the seat and Roxy puts a hand up to hear ear expecting to hear even with the wind blowing past everyone as she speeds down the hill you are on.

"I am your dirty little slut!" You practically have to yell, blushing brightly at yelling such a thing so loudly. "I want you to fuck me!" You continue, on and on as the two of you drive around towards who-knows-where.

After a good thirty minutes you are actually begging to cum, trembling in the back seat getting the car seat wet as all three vibrators are going at max speed driving you wild. "Fuuuuck. Pleeeassseeee mistress Roxy. Pleeeaassse mistress Cassandra." You beg with eyes almost rolling into the back of your head. "I want to cum so badly. Fuck this dirty little body of mine. Pleeeassseee!" You moan using every inch of will power to keep your arms around the headrests gripping them tightly while your trembling legs keep inching towards the middle before you dutifully extend them over and over.


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