Fall asleep embracing each other

From Create Your Own Story

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You doze off and have wonderful dreams of sex and motherhood. All through the night, you cycle through images of Jodi fucking you, and you and him raising the kid. These constantly repeating images send a continual flow of pleasure all throughout your body the entire night. After what seems like an eternity, you wake up just as the sun starts rising.

You look down your body at Jodi, who fell asleep wrapped around your waist, and think about all the fun times you’re going to have with him. You put your hand on his head and pet him, fantasizing of the future you’ll have with him. You haven’t decided if you want to ruin his life yet or not, but either way, you’ll enjoy being in Anna.

Jodi soon begins to stir and opens his eyes at you. “Morning, hubby,” you great him seductively.

“Hey baby.” He kisses your belly. “Ya sleep good, after last night?”

“Hell yeah, and I think our baby slept good too.”

Jodi looks away for a second. “What’s wrong?”

He turns back. “Do you think we need to stop?”

You can’t believe it! This guy’s suggesting abstention?! What bizarro world is this? “No! Why’d you even think of that!”

“I just don’t wanna hurt the kid!” he responds, defensively.

Ah, now you get it: being a ghetto kid, he’s probably not educated and therefore, doesn’t understand anatomy. You chuckle at his surprise moment of innocence. “No, that’s not how it works. The baby is protected in the womb. Besides it isn’t even a baby yet: just some cells in my belly.”

“Oh.” He turns away than looks back toward you. “In that case,” he says as he moves up to your face with lust on his tongue, ”why don’t we start this morning right?”

You are possessing:
Pregnant eighteen-year-old ghetto gal
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