Holy Orthodox Church of Thyreon

From Create Your Own Story

The official Church of the Empire, regulating the official faith of the population. With over ninety percent of the nation adheres to the creed, whether by force or by personal belief, the Church is a force to be reckoned with. Clergymen are exempt for conscription, normal reporting to government authority figures, and have considerable tax benefits and privileges. The entire institution is tax-exempt and adherents to the faith are required to pay a tithe (tenth of their income) every year to the church.

This is all offset by rigorous anti-corruption screening and investigations by an internal council and the Thyreon Council of Special Interests. Members of the Church hierarchy are also required to be abstinent, not partake in "indecency", or even drink or otherwise intoxicate themselves.

The official doctrine of the Church states that there is only one central god: the High Lord, also known as Thye (pronounced "thy'). This is also partially where the empire revives its name from. Members of the faith are supposed to be moral and just people, attempting to execute Thye's divine will of total salvation of the human race by purging all evils (pagan religions, demons, unjust behavior, corruptive magicks etc.). Whether through conversion or conquest is a point of hot contention and a reason for increasing polarization in the empire.

By showing your adherence to the faith or attempting to bolster church decrees may help you earn the favor of the clergy.

Use the backing of the church well and sparingly, as you may be scrutinized by

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