Kill the merchant. No one but you can experience hellish ecstasy like that.

From Create Your Own Story

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Without hesitation you draw your sword and plunge it into the merchant's neck before he can lock up the cursed ancient beast. You bash the chains inside a few times and unleash the tentacle. The wriggling red and black object flies off the box and wraps around your neck, shifting its shape from a thick tentacle to a tight fitting collar.

Feast. You hear the tentacle command. Or rather, you feel it. It hungers, and it can only make you share its pain. You look around. The wagon being just outside of Startide gives you some privacy, but if you can still see the village, others and see you too.


Your own hunger is growing now. You rummage through the merchant's supplies and find a bag of potions inside. You uncork one vial and pour its healing contents into the dying man's mouth; his neck gash quickly seals. But even more quickly, you force feed him another potion, one you identified by smell as being a paralysis poison. In seconds, the merchant goes limp, only able to talk with slightly slurred words.

"I nebza wanned thz. Jus wan t'trede awey thah cursf."

You ignore his words and listen only to your hunger, the ancient beast's hunger, and tear off the merchant's pants. You might have failed at the banana once, but his rod you know you can fit. His cock stays flaccid from the paralysis, but you slowly work it all the same. Your tongue wriggles at the top, leaving behind a pinkish saliva instead of clear. You can guess that it's the tentacle aiding you, helping you satisfy your hunger.

With its power you make the paralyzed dick hard, though you're still only able to suck at your normal limits. Your collar, however, stretches itself under your armor to your tits and your pussy, roughly and rapidly spinning and flicking at your sensitive areas you encourage you to go faster. The tentacles on your nipples go hard, and soon the moist pleasure of the tentacles because a slight scratching pain. The tentacle also spreads wide your vagina, inserting a thick member all the way to your limits, and pushing further.

You nearly bite down on the merchant from the pain, but you stop when the collar chokes you. You feel its reach pumping a very thin tendril into your uterus, using that piece of itself to expand into your heavenly womb and fill it with a purple and red sap. No amount of cleaning, you imagine, will clean that out.

"Euaghh!" the merchant exclaims and you turn his cock into a hose of semen. Your lips seal around the base of his shaft and you let the hot liquid shoot straight down your throat. The more your suck, the more he comes, like a drunk trying to squeeze the last drop from a wine skin. The ancient beast, you notice, begins to recede into its collar form once again, though you can still feel its sticky sap inside you, a lubricant for your vagina that you don't think will ever leave.

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