Tell her you're going out

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 20:48, 6 November 2018 by Johngreen35 (Talk | contribs)

Your standing behind her helping her tie her bra straps when you tell her you're going out with the guys tonight. You see her unchanged emotion in the mirror as she pokes her butt out and rubs it against your hardening cock.

"If you insist baby. I'll probably just hang out with Brandi, or relax and take a walk around the neighborhood. You go have fun tonight."

You look at her gorgeous face and body in the mirror as you hug her from behind, hoping with everything you have that she isn't doing what you think she is.

An hour passes and you grab your keys and head out, wearing jeans and a nice shirt, really selling the idea that you're going to a nice upscale bar. You pull out of the driveway and park it a couple streets away, so you can walk back to the house and watch your future wife.

"This is crazy” I thought, “I’m camping outside my own house trying to catch a black teenager sleeping with my wife? Taylor would never do that with me.”

I sat patiently behind the coverage of a large bush next to our yard and waited. Just as I was sure I had perhaps misread Taylor's text, Lesean's back door swung open as he walked out, across the street, and up the stairs of my home. He walked right in without knocking.

I smiled “good thing I didn’t leave.” Then I quickly realized that I shouldn’t be getting any joy out of this and snapped out of it.

Sneak in to your own house

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