(Main) - It seems that it's time for me to get out of the bed.

From Create Your Own Story

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Feeling the warm sensation of the sunlight again the skin of your face, you feel yourself getting progressively pulled away from your dream.

You let escape an small whisp, saying that you would like to sleep five more minutes as you are about the defeat your actual opponent, a powerful arena trainer, to obtain your 5th badge.

Finally, you grumble audibly as your eyes start to open, awakened by the light that now fill your entire room, making your dream fades away forever.

You slowly turn yourself on the other side of the bed, wanting to enjoy the comfort of your bed a couple more minutes, refusing to leave the embrace of your soft blanket, pressed with strenght against your body.

Now that you feel that every part of your body is now ready to start the day, your strecht one last time, making a perfect star position in your matress, before pulling yourself on the side of your king-sized bed.

It doesn't take to the notice that "all" your parts of your body are fully... awaken.

You sighs, not really surprised: "Well, as lively as ever, I see."

You stand up and move in front of your mirror to examine yourself and brush your hair.

Looking at your reflection from the bottom to the top, you cannot help but compliment yourself about the pretty display you have in front of you. (autor's note: don't be narcissistic!)

But after all, even without lying, it seems quite obvious that you are more than simply quite good looking compared to any human of your age:

Body Description:

Your black hairs are falling at the bottom of your neck.

The most attractive parts of your body are standing onto your face : your two eyes, light blue in color, are like the purest pearls of the ocean, sparkling as the most refined saphirres , and give you a passionate gaze in which any unadvised mortal may be trapped forever.

Between them stand a normal nose, maybe a little smaller than average.

Under it, you have a beautiful mouth with a natural smile that highlight your dazzling theeth.

Your face, and the rest of your perfectly shaped body are covered by your lightly tanned skin.

You estimate yourself about being around 5'5 feet high (around 1.66 meters).

Even though you did not do a lot of sports, you are neither skinny nor fat: you just have what it should, where it should.

Speaking or that, your perfect-shaped uncut penis is usually around 3 inches long while resting, but estimate it to grow to 7 inches when excited. A quite huge and impressive candy that could make wathering any mouth just by looking at it.

Below it, your huge hanging ballsack is standing, containing your two testicles, full and ready for action.

Remembering that your manhood and balls have been more and more disturbing you recently, your take a small time to think about the reason of those disturbances: your almost nonexistent social and amourous life.

After all, you didn't go a lot outside during the past years, because you couldn't leave the city (Saffron City, where you live with your mom) for security reasons, as you didn't had any companion to help you to defend yourself against the outside dangers.

In addition, you always prefered the countryside to the city. You are lonely by nature.

You passed most on your time on yout computer with both your education and hobbies (in addition, searching about pokemons and playing videos game on console).

It's while making some researchs on internet that you discover about the professor Chen and his work, and decide to volunteer to be a trainer.

But this time may be about to change today. Clearly, motivation overflows from you.

Information Panel
Current location: Your room, in your mother's home, Saffron City.
Clothes: You are currently naked.
Your Team: You don't have any pokemon at this moment.
Inventory: You don't have any object.
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