User talk:Adam02oc

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 22:51, 20 September 2018 by Magikarp7297 (Talk | contribs)

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Let's get triggered

Okay, so I'll just start with this question - where were you? Actually, do I need to know? No. But at any rate, hello. Let's get to RAGE, now, shall we? I believe that any criminal option can be used. Even rape, like:

You stand over her, naked, and she gasps as she realizes what is about to happen. However, she has no choice, and must comply with the brutal fate she has been given.

Just as long as we don't actually have any true sex scenes, I think we'll be fine. As for a plot, I don't have one. Maybe some endings you get the death penalty?--Magikarp7297 04:16, 16 September 2018 (UTC)

I liked everything that you mentioned for RAGE. Except one thing: you cannot go shoot up a church without making God look into what you did, in which case, you're going to be killed soon. Also, how about one ending leads you to destroy the Earth via satanic ritual?

Also, the best weapons. Let's ponder that. Perhaps, in the case of a pistol, a flare gun will do the most damage, but an automatic pistol will help mow down the most people. And S.W.A.T. assault rifles will be the best for shooting people as far as rifles/automatics/etc. Also, for a melee weapon, perhaps a fucking lightsaber? Actually, no, a chainsaw.

Now let's enjoy the day by thinking of 101 ways to brutally kill somebody! --Magikarp7297 22:01, 17 September 2018 (UTC)

I added what I believe is our first dumbshit death - Eat the robotic hand. Wh should celebrate, though I'm not sure how. (I was just working on it when you just messaged me) Oh, I know! I'll write more pages in RAGE where you do something either incredibly stupid or amazingly amazing. --Magikarp7297, the Wild Card 22:51, 20 September 2018 (UTC)

Regarding Featured Stories

As much as I love puzzles, 120 Minutes Remain seems to end too quickly, and only has 75 complete pages (besides the endings). It has good enough grammer and spelling, but I try to look for stories with over 100 pages in it's main category.

However, I believe it would be better if you added another non-death option where only one non-death option exists. Also, on some pages there is only one choice, which makes it feel slightly linear. I advise that you focus on 120 Minutes Remain more than RAGE if you want it to be a candidate for being featured. After all, I can handle my 20 something stories. So why shouldn't I be able to handle another, even if for a while?

Also, there can be exceptions for shorter stories - if they have perfect grammer, spelling, and decent page lengths. --Magikarp7297, the Wild Card 22:21, 20 September 2018 (UTC)

Remember, Adam, Remember is a featured Mature story, and it's not done. Any time you feel your story is of decent length, let me know. I'll check it out and see if I should feature it. --Magikarp7297, the Wild Card 22:36, 20 September 2018 (UTC)

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