Defend your team's torch, you know no one else will.

From Create Your Own Story

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Shield and spear, it's the perfect defense. Almost all the fighters go for the torch, so you know you'll get your chance to fight even if you do hang back and wait.

Standing just outside the circle the torch is placed in, you can see the battlefield. Spare weapons had been left out in the middle of the ring to make the battle more compelling, while two wizards cast spells to amplify the moonlight and shine the arena with a clear white light. A horn is sounded and right away, the fighting begins.

It's hard to track the closest fighter in the fray, but you spot a drow sprinting at you from the side of the arena. He has an ax and shield, giving your the longer reach.

"I saw you earlier today!" he shouts, pushing aside your spear with his shield. You block a swing from his ax and kick him, pushing him back. Another fighter on his team, a human, throws his spear at you. You dodge, the head lightly cutting open your armor, and prepare for his attack. He grabs a sword off of the ground and joins the dark elf.

Out of nowhere a half-orc pushes through your team and rams his helmet into you. It knocks the wind out of you, but you still to a front flip over him, spinning just in time to stick your spear through his leg. The dark elf cleaves your shoulder with his ax, then makes a move for the torch. You try to go after him, but the human holds you back and the half-orc starts beating your stomach with his mace.

"Go, you're faster," the human shouted to the drow. You struggle to trip him, but the half-orc simple holds down your arm in one hand and begins taking off your armor with the other. You curse Hansel. After his stunt, the other fighters must've felt emboldened to do whatever they pleased. You kick the half-orc repeatedly in the face, until the human's cock somehow finds its way into your mouth. You were too distracted, and his rod slithering down your throat completely ruined your train of thought.

All you know is you have to get a weapon.

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