D&D: FEW Prepare for the voyage to the lost ruins

From Create Your Own Story

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Alchemy paste

Powdered unicorn horn

Engraved wand and enchanted blue silk robes

You think these things to yourself as you grab up the basic things you know you'll need to explore the ruins. Ideally, you'd be going with some other masters and apprentices, but you know you're master in every way except title. Besides, a group also means sharing credit. You pack up a book of spells you've yet to memorize and head out to the forest.

It's almost noon when you leave the city, and evening once you reach the forest. Your robes glow in the night, though, absorbing moonlight and amplifying it back out as a pure white light. Thanks to it, you have no trouble reading the map and following its directions. The ruin you find is half buried in the soil and bushes. Black bricks, made from some kind of volcanic rock, stand in slanted columns and broken towers.

There's something in the night, some distant mewling sound, coming from one of the stone pillars. It could just be an animal.

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