Hailey the Whore/11/ a whore

From Create Your Own Story

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You look up at her with pity tears in your eyes you squeak out "I guess I'm a whore"

"What was that?!" Your mom yells pulling you out of bed standing your small body up "speak up"

You cry "I'm a whore mommy"

She pinches your small breasts "well lets get you ready then" she drags you to the shower cleaning you roughly she pulls at the small patch of pubic hair you ave "you'll need to get rid of this Johns don't like pubic hair especially on young whores" she shaves off your pubes. You cry as she finishes cleaning you up "stop crying" you obey she drys you off dries your hair and puts it in pigtails. She then puts on makeup she puts it on thick. Very red lipstick blue eyeshadow and red rouge on your cheeks.

She looks you over "Ok lets get you dressed" you meekly follow her to your room, she pulls your drawers open dropping your clothes "no no these are all too cute for a whore you need nasty for now I guess you'll got commando" she goes to your closet and pulls out last years Halloween costume you went as a diva it was a small tube top and a short skirt with a full thick body suit to keep it modest. Your mom throws the body suit part on the floor "won't need that" she says as she hands you the skirt and top. You put them on "perfect now get in the car" you follow her and she drives. You get to a very seedy part of town.

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