Henrietta Annelies Oriell - Female - 15

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Henrietta Annelies Oriell

  • CRAZY rich family
  • 2 best friends, Annie and Orlie
  • Loves horse riding & reading (Latin, Greek, French, German, English)
  • Artist billionaire father
  • Historian well-to-do mother
  • Annoying 10-year-old brother Louise
  • Usually wears greek dresses and ballet flats or strappy high heels (peach)
  • Grey-blue eyes; Chocolate brown, back-length silky hair in greek goddess hairstyle; pale but slightly tanned skin; perfect features
  • Plays the piano, harpsichord, violin and sings
  • Has a horse (Ariona) - a brown mare; Female Golden Retriever (Abbie); Wolf pup (Lycaon); Peregrine Falcon (Zeus); Peacock (Hera) and Barn owl (Athena)
  • 12th of March birthday (Aquamarine, Pisces)
  • Favorite flowers are shown above (Few in her hair sometimes)
  • Goes to the Golden Grove School for Aristocracy and Royalty

(Please request characters! It would also help tremendously if your requested characters are linked to other characters. For example, an existing characters friend - but make sure to ask the owner of the character if they want your character to be linked to theirs! --R 10:25, 31 July 2018 (UTC), the author)

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