
From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 22:07, 16 June 2018 by Shrounk123 (Talk | contribs)

Your name is Linda Emerson, your 29 and you have long brown hair, hazel eyes, tan skin. Your breasts are small and ass firm. Your clothing consists of a yellow shirt and a pair of non disc riot jeans and no panties. Your at your desk papers graded over the weekend and now to just give them to the students and move on, most where pretty bad although your favorite student Natalie a Armenian girl wrote a excellent paper. The students shuffle in and you begin your lesson on something you keep drifting to Natalie and you do the rest of the lesson in autopilot. After it’s over the students shuffle out. You have a thought and: - becken over Natalie (starts lesbian relationship story arc) - call over the student who failed the history paper

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