VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Mistress (12).

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VRX 9000: Sex Games

Random Adventures - Pixie's Punishment

Part 3: Meeting the Mistress


The Story:

You watch the door swing open holding your breath and are immediately relieved yet stunned on who you see; your mistress. She is is an absolutely stunning young Hispanic woman somewhere in her mid twenties only slightly taller than yourself. She has gorgeous brown eyes, perfect brunette hair to her shoulders caught in a messy ponytail, and not much but extremely well-done make-up. She is wearing a black tank top that runs down her arms but still manages to show off her smaller yet enticing curves underneath. She is just wearing a black thong showing off her extremely soft and delicate tan skin with thigh thighs and such an impressive ass for how petite she is that you can hardly believe it is real. Your mouth slowly hangs open as you just stare your mistress down until you finally snap out of it in a mild panic and look back up at her eyes with a small squeak.


She just smiles at you checking you out as well with a very confident yet amused expression. "Hey, Pixie." She say casually.

It is so casual you don't even know how to respond for a few moments blathering before you finally get some words out. "Hey. Um, mistress?" You say hesitantly and awkwardly so much so that you blush and look away for a moment in embarrassment. Here you have a ridiculously hot woman wanting to dominate your body and you have to be awkward. Damn it! Lucky for you your mistress is well prepared.

"Oh whoops, still in the thong." Your mistress says with a bit of surprise and a laugh then grabs some sweatpants and ties them on. "I'm Eva by the way." She adds with a grin, a little quirkiness coming through despite the fact that she obviously owns the house and lives by herself meaning she is quite successful or very lucky. "Or mistress, if you prefer." She says loving your expression.

You just blush a bit then nod not sure how to react. This is the woman that is blackmailing you? That has made you do all these things? She is so... normal. And nice. And not what you expected at all. You expected to be locked away forever in a dungeon getting tortured and used. If this attractive woman did that to you there is a chance you'd look forward to it. That ass... Suddenly Eva shoves some things your way and you catch them noticing for the first time a few bags packed up next to the door.

"Put those on for me so we can have some fun. You and I are going on a little get-away to have some fun." She says then grunts grabbing two bags and walking past you. You look down at what is apparently a sun dress in your arms then watch her open the garage and start putting the bags away in the back of a mini-van of all things. "Feel free to go inside to change! Bathroom is first door on the left!" She shouts from the van.

You wander inside trying to figure this woman out. A minivan? You glance at a few pictures and at the house in general. She obviously lives alone, no hidden kids or husband or anything. Pretty empty and plain to be honest. You find your way to the bathroom then look at the dress she gave you. It looks nice. You hear her yell from the front door then. "No underwear or bra, Pixie!" She says with a half-laugh before grunting grabbing some more bags. A get-away huh? Blushing and still too nervous to not do what she so easily asked you trip out of all of your clothing and slide into just the sun dress without a bra or underwear. Looking at the smaller mirror you decide it actually looks rather nice on you, she even has your size right. It is white with a few flowers scattered around it and it clings in all the right spots while being rather loose and breezing in the others.

Most of all you can feel the breeze between your legs pretty easily with it on and the dress only goes down to maybe mid-thigh. The cleavage is slightly on the revealing side as well giving ample view yet seeming moderate at the same time. A sexy dress that somehow at the same time looks like you aren't trying to be sexy. You glance at the small bag and open it to pull out a small mess of pink wires before blushing immediately. You recognize these very well. This isn't going to just be some friends hanging out after all. There are three different pill-vibrators with wires attached to small dials. It is obvious that she wants them on you already.

Taking some pink tape she provided you pull down your dress to show your soft firm tits and press one of the pills to your nipple and slowly tape it in place. You wonder where you are going to put the dials before you suddenly realize there are two tiny pockets on the inside of the dress on the sides for you to put them. Blushing slightly you realize your mistress put a lot more thought into this than you realized. This is obviously a custom made dress for this very occasion. You put the dials in letting the cords hang from your nipples to the sides of your dress before sitting on the counter to pull up your sundress and position the last one. You slid it up your tight slit with just a slight bite of the lip and grab the last item, a small black leg band for the dial. You slide it up to your upper thigh and put the dial on letting the cord string out of your pussy to it just out of sight of the end of the dress. Just getting dressed in this matter is turning you on quite a bit. Is it strange that you are really looking forward to whatever Eva is planning for you? You are still very nervous but your fear is quickly fading away. This won't be so bad, right?

You step out of the closet with your clothing in hand and Eva quickly walks over to you and opens the bag she slings off of her back. "Just toss it in here." She says. You glance at a few very interesting items in the bag which just gets a mischievous grin out of Eva before she zips it back up and carries it out to the car with you walking behind her nervously. They seem to be the last bags and she jumps in the driver's seat of the van already pulled into the drive way and rolls down her window looking at you. "Jump on in and let's get started. You like fun, right?" She says challengingly. "Surely the Pixie I know does."

Smiling for the first time you nod and quickly run over to jump in the passenger seat only blushing slightly at the cords tugging at your most sensitive area under the dress with the breeze flowing up it on your bare thighs. "I'm in." You say with more confidence than you feel once you strap in.

"Good. We are going to have quite the trip if you are a good girl for me." Eva says with a wink then pulls out of the backpack and starts to head who-knows-where. You quickly find yourself on the highway and you think you are heading towards the mountains.

You shift a bit trying to get comfortable when Eva finally looks your way after getting her GPS and cruise control situated. "Now to have a little fun." She practically purrs looking over to you. "We are going to play a game of truth or dare, but with a twist. You can only ask me truth, and I can only give you dares. Every time you refuse to do something you have to turn on one of those sexy little vibrating pills and keep it on the entire trip, and the trip isn't a short one." She pauses for a moment looking at the road forming a small amused smile. "And for every question I won't answer I'll delete some of my blackmail on you." She says with a sly smirk.

Shocked that she is playing for such a thing you immediately start to feel competitive. Is she going to let you play games this whole trip to potentially set yourself free? You guess it won't be that simple but you like the idea and are always in the mood for some competition. You are actually starting to like Eva quite a bit. "You're on!" You say with a grin. "Mistress." You add at the end getting a small chuckle out of both of you.

"Good, good. I of course get to go first." Eva says glancing at you from the road for a moment. "First, grab the bag at your feet and open it." She says with a knowing smile. You do so then immediately blush realizing it is absolutely filled with sex toys. She has planned this well. "First dare. Take out the cock with the suction bit on the end and stick it to your window. I dare you to deep throat it for me."

Slowly digging through the bag you find it and just look at it in shock. It is pretty big, and you absolutely hate sucking on cocks. It is part of the reason you are bi just because so many guys expect it. Not that you haven't done it online for Eva, but still. "Ugh, you win this one." You mutter putting it back. You then blush and reach inside your dress and turn on one of your vibrators immediately gasping as it starts to vibrate against your bare nipple. "Mmmmmm." You moan softly putting it on medium setting.

"Ok, your turn then. That was easy." She replies just raising an eyebrow.

You think quickly really wanting to win this one. You realize you want to do it to impress Eva as much as you want to do it to potentially free yourself. You don't let yourself linger on that knowing you want it too badly. It is probably a trap. "Truth... where are we going?" You say knowing she probably wants it to be a secret since she hasn't told you yet.

"Easy." She responds. "I knew you'd ask. We are going to a small cabin I own up in the mountains a few miles out of town. Should be a nice weekend for the two of us don't you think?" She asks with a wicked grin. The two of you continue to play and she absolutely destroys you. You learn that she only has you as her slave but has had others in the past. You learn that used the blackmail more of an excuse to meet you than in a threatening way. And all it took was to turn on all three of your vibrators. Your mistress knows you too well. You find yourself squirming slightly in the seat as you pass cars on your right, the vibrators humming against your now erect nipples and deep inside your increasingly wet slit.

The game ends quickly after with Eva claiming victory. "Too easy Pixie, too easy." She says with a laugh. "Now I get to play with you as your mistress. I want some truth from you now. First, hike up your skirt so I can see your dirty little slit." She commands with amusement in her voice. You blush and nod slowly hiking your skirt up to just show your athletically thick thighs and perfect tiny little slit nestled between them with a cord running right up your slick pussy.


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