VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Mistress (11).

From Create Your Own Story

VRX 9000: Sex Games

Random Adventures - Pixie's Punishment

Part 3: Meeting the Mistress


The Story:

You wait for a few moments before you hear the sounds of footsteps approaching the door. You can feel your nervousness exploding over you taking every last bit of self control to just stand in place trying your very best to look normal. When the door finally opens you actually gawk a little bit at who opens it. It is, strangely, exactly who you would think would live in a place like this. It is an older trophy wife blonde likely in her 40's somewhere but still looking amazing with large busty tits, a great tight ass, and nice looking clothing. She looks down at you with a big smile and immediately welcomes you in. This is your mistress? Well, she is certainly hot. But she is much older than you would have imagined. You could have gotten a lot worse sheepishly walking in and flinching slightly when she locks the door behind you.

"Brooke is upstairs darling, second door on the left. We have snacks in the kitchen if you get hungry." She beautiful trophy wife says then struts away down the hallway towards a living room that has one of the biggest tv's you've seen in person. These people are rich! You also blush immediately realizing that this is your mistress's mom, not her. That fact somehow makes you more nervous yet more relaxed at the same time. Your mistress is likely your age if that is her mom, which bodes well. Plus if she lives such a nice life she is good looking. Right? And popular. You hate popular kids these days. Especially spoiled ones like this one will probably be. But a good looking mom doesn't mean a good looking daughter.

Watching her mom's great ass sway away from you you slowly turn and walk up the stairs. You can practically feel your heartbeat at each step growing more and more nervous at each step closer to your mistress. Once you reach the top of the stairs you can hear loud punk-rock music coming from your left. Second door on the left. Your heart skips a beat realizing she likely has the same taste in music as you. Maybe this can work. Maybe you'll like this. Nervously you walk to the door and knock tentatively on it. After a few seconds the music turns down a bit and you hear the words "Come in." From behind the door. You steel yourself and walk in.

You step into the standard rebellious teen's room; posters of bands lining the walls, punk rock music blaring, a laptop sprawled on the bed with a desktop computer in the corner. Yet the room speaks of a lot of money as well, expensive furniture everywhere despite random clothing thrown over it and on the floor. Despite it all, your eyes lock on your mistress and you can only stare. She is perfect. She is your age, you can tell by the college prep stuff on the floor, and one of the cutest redheads you've ever seen. Her wild red hair is brought back into a short braid with the makeup on her face spot-on with a bit of a punk look to it. Her eyes are light blue and beautiful and she is wearing a black choker to go with the vibe. She is wearing a white top that circles around her neck showing off her arms and shoulders that look incredibly soft and are as pale as yours if not more so. You didn't think that was possible. She has a few freckles across her nose and cheeks and her white top obviously doesn't have a bra under it as two nipples are easily visible with some rather perfect globe breasts underneath. Still gawking you look down to her skinny form and skinny torn blue jeans which shows some nice thighs and a well-shaped ass.


Your mistress looks up at you with a slightly annoyed look then glances at the door. "Close it and lock it."

You nod quickly and practically jump to do what you are told locking yourself in the room with her. Wow she is hot. You couldn't have done better if you had chosen your mistress yourself! The fact that she has blackmail on you is almost forgotten. You might just actually enjoy this and thank her for making you meet her in person. She is exactly the type of girl you'd hit on in a bar and the fact that you know she is into BDSM is all the better. You finally snap out of it and blurt out something before you can think. "Hey." You sputter, then go quiet blushing. How do you act around her?

The extremely cute redhead just smiles finally. "Not what you were expecting huh?" She says giving you a look up and down before biting her lip. She sits down on the edge of the bed and pats next to her. "Come join me." She says almost sweetly.

Blushing a bit you slowly walk over and next to her noting her checking you out a bit when you walk over. Hope keeps welling up inside you. Maybe she'll just turn into a girlfriend or something. Maybe. You snap out of it when the redhead's hand touches your bare thigh resting there, shivering slightly at her touch surprised at how much you like it.

"My name is Brooke, as my mother probably already told you." She says with a comforting touch along your leg moving closer to you. "And you're Pixie. I've waiting a long time to finally get to actually touch you, you know." She gives you a comforting smile then and starts to trail her fingers over your body probing and prying. "Let's see what I've got to work with here." She practically purrs tracing her finger tips down your thighs making you shiver before slowly having you spread them. She presses her hand softly against your cunt through your shorts and presses rubbing softly until you give a soft gasp of pleasure. Why are you so freaking turned on? You can get used to this.

"Don't be quiet, what do you think of me? Glad i'm not some forty year old three hundred pound dude, right?" She says with a small laugh, trailing her hand up now along your flat stomach then under your mesh shirt.

"Umm." You start with a small laugh turning your head a bit in pleasure as she squeezes one of your soft, squeezable breasts before moving to the next and doing the same. "Yeah, I'm pretty glad." You say. Brooke's hand comes out of your mesh shirt and traces along your lips as you talk. "A much nicer place than I expected." You continue, then suck on her finger as she spreads your lips and slides one in before playing with your tongue. You are getting very turned on. She finally slides her hand around you and holds you close to her. You realize this is your chance to hit on her as possibly an equal. You look her in the eye and don't blush regaining your old confident self. "You are very pretty." You compliment, then immediately go in for the kiss.

Brooke giggles at that but to your relief doesn't stop you. Your lips meet hers and the two of you close your eyes and hold each other close as you kiss softly and slowly. You enjoy the taste of her lips over and over, your tongue playing with hers as you feel her perfectly soft skin pressed against yours. Then, Brooke pulls away with another giggle. She blushes slightly then stands up walking over to turn up her music a bit before walking back. She just stands in front of you then with a grin. "I don't seem like the type of girl to have blackmail on you, do I?" She says with a grin.

The pit in your stomach immediately returns and you huddle up in yourself slightly immediately worried again. "No, you don't." You almost whimper.

Brooke just smiles at you. "Don't be so sad Pixie, I'm not going to do anything terrible to you. In fact, I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy it most of the time. But I do want you to do what I say. For now, anyways." She says, then gives a big grin when you just look sheepishly up to her. "Strip, slave." She says almost sarcastically. "I've got your first orders for you. This is going to be so much fun." She says with another giggle.

Trying to suppress a smile at how incredibly cute and innocent she is acting you just nod. She is right, this could be a lot worse, and you are enjoying this so far. Deciding to go for it remembering the incredible kiss earlier you slowly strip out of your clothing in front of her. "There, like what you see?" You say gaining your confidence back at her ogling your pale body.

Laughing Brooke doesn't respond then walks over and grabs a box and sets it on the bed then sits next to it with her feet dangling off. "I've got an outfit for you so we can set the mood. I've always wanted a pet." She says with a grin holding up a headband with cat ears.

"I can be your little pussy." You say with a seductive smile which actually makes her blush a bit. It actually turns you on quite a bit. You put on the headband for her and give her a few playful meows making both of you laugh and slowly forget the blackmail situation as you get dressed. You slip into some pink latex gloves that go all the way past your elbows and some pink latex tights that go up to mid thigh. You also put on a pink latex garter belt framing your small, thick ass and pale cunt perfectly along with a thick pink collar. You actually gulp when Brooke actually locks the thing onto you and attached a leash. Bondage is even hotter, yet even scarier in person! You've worn similar things in the past, but someone else holding the key is an entirely new experience entirely. Last but not least you squeeze into more pink latex around your chest, not much, but with two large holes for your tits to stick through making them look even more firm. You blush at a full length mirror she has in her room, you look fucking hot!

"Now for the last touches, pussy." Brooke giggles patting her lap. "Come her." She orders with a giggle. You do so quickly letting your hips sway as you walk loving that she seems to ogle the sight greedily before you lay over her lap on the side of the bed with your ass up. "Good girl." Brooke says then immediately spreads your ass with one of her hands making you moan softly at being touched so close to your pussy. "Oh, someone is horny." Brooke says just making you shut up and blush extremely embarrassed. "Now, we are going to establish a few rules my sweet little pussy." She says, still spreading your ass and playing with it. "First rule is that you will call me Mistress Brooke. Not mistress, not Brooke, not goddess or master or anything else. Mistress Brooke." She says, then tilts your head up to look at her. "Understand?"

You nod up at her. "Yes, Mistress Brooke." You respond. Her screen name was Mistress Morgan, but you think you like this better.

"Good pussy." Mistress Brooke says with a smile. "More rules will follow, but I want to continue before I get to them. Next, I am going to teach you that it will not all be fun and games and sex while I own your pretty little ass." She says with a giggle then spanks your left ass cheek.

You grunt slightly in pain, that stung! "Yes, Mistress Brooke." You reply quickly then wince when she keeps spanking you. Her blows land again and again as short, sharp slaps that really sting. She spanks your left ass cheek until you squirm in her lap gasping in pain then switches to the next one making you gasp. Before she is done your entire ass is a shade of light red pulsing in light pain.

"Better." Mistress Brooke says, then runs a hand down to run between your lips and play with your tongue. "Your pretty little ass is all mine, isn't it Pixie?" She giggles. You just nod as she plays with your tongue unable to really speak. "Now, we have one last part to your outfit. I've saved the best for last." She says with a grin. She then pulls your ass up more and spreads it with both hands before pressing her fingers with your drool on them right against your exposed asshole.

You immediately buck in her lap before settling down and biting your lip as she presses her fingers against your asshole. "Oh my god!" You gasp trying to stay still and obedient. You've have very little experience with ass play. Wow does it feel weird! Not bad, but not really great either? Maybe you are not used to it. Used to it or not your new mistress rubs and plays with your asshole before sticking a finger in making you gasp and squirm. She just grins and spreads your ass with her other hand more then starts to spread your tiny little asshole with two fingers before starting to finger fuck it. "Ohhhh mmmmmhhhh!" You moan softly, your tight little ass getting fucked slowly stretched again and again.

"Oh I can see I'm going to have to do this more in the future." Brooke giggles, playing with your asshole making you squirm. "Such a good reaction." She says forcing three fingers in and spreading making you arch your back and moan before biting your teeth. Fuck she is really spreading you and you are not used to it! "But like I said, the final piece." Brooke says then pulls her fingers out to grab something from the box. The next moment she presses it against your asshole making you gasp then grunt as she pops it right up your ass. You look back to see the end of a butt-plug sticking out of your smaller, tight ass with a cat tail raised from it. You blush at the sight, she really went all out.

"Meow..." You moan softly looking up at her just getting another giggle out of Brooke.

Your mistress then has you get off her and onto the ground on all fours and takes a look at you. She grins looking at just how hot you are with a tail and ears and all the pink latex. She even takes a few pictures and videos of you meowing which embarrasses you slightly but you endure it. Then, to your surprise, she sits back on the bed and beckons around her room. "For your first real order, I want you to clean my room dressed like that. I want it spotless or you will be punished." She says, pulling out a nasty looking paddle from the box which makes you shudder at just the thought. "And of course, a cat would only use her mouth to pick things up and move them. I expect the same from you, pussy." She commands. And then just sits there to watch expectantly.

You just sit there on all fours a little dumbfounded. All of this was so hot, so sexy. And you have a butt plug up your ass! And now you have to clean her room? Well, you guess humiliation was always a part of the game. Deciding to please your mistress you start to get to work. You begin by cleaning up all the dirty clothing grabbing it bit by bit with your teeth and carrying it over to her laundry basket. Your pale slightly-stained ass sways back and forth as you walk around and your breasts bounce here and there giving a good show to your mistress. Mistress Brooke goes to sit at her computer while you make her bed with your teeth, a surprisingly difficult task. The entire time you grunt and gasp as you feel the butt plug filling up your tight ass the entire time.

Mistress Brooke doesn't leave you completely alone and starts to follow you around with the paddle to make sure you continue. You accidentally drop a heavier glass and you get a hard spank on your raised ass from the cruel paddle making you gasp in pain. Damn that hurts! By the time her room is super clean you've only been paddled three times but your ass still stings from the blows. You crawl over to your mistress when you are done and she lets you lay your head in her lap and starts to stroke your hair. "It took a little encouragement to keep you moving but otherwise good job pussy." She compliments. "But we are not done yet." She says with a wicked grin.


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