Life as a good little girl/You text Tiffany, begging her for clothes

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Remembering your clothing situation, you immediately start to panic and run naked throughout the house, looking for someone to help you. Room after room, all devoid of occupants, you finish in the brightly lit living room, staring vacantly out into the street, your lip wobbling and tears threatening to fall.

Then it strikes you. Tiffany will know what to do!

"I want a cock in my ass!" you scream at the phone. The lock screen of you with your brother's dick in your ass gives way to the home screen, the wallpaper showing a petite teen being spit-roasted by two massive looking dicks. Your hand automatically drops to your pussy like it's on auto-pilot, but you force it back to the phone and tap the screen. Thankfully Rob put Tiffany in as a contact. Wait, how did Tiffany know your borrowed phone's number? Did Rob tell her?

The phone jumps in your hand. "Bus coming!" Tiffany texts.

"Daddy threw out ALL my clothes! Naked!! HELP!!!" you type in reply.

Getting the message out is like lifting a huge weight from your shoulders. You slump down against the back of the couch, your legs spreading wide and stare out the window. Straight into the astonished eyes of some old guy you vaguely remember as a neighbor who's friends with your daddy.

Life as a good little girl/If he's your daddy's friend you know you can trust him to help you

Life as a good little girl/Tiffany texts you back, telling you to meet her near her place to get some of her old clothes

Life as a good little girl/You could still get help from your neighbor. You remember your parents saying she works nights at some club

Life as a good little girl/Why bother going to school? It's not your fault daddy threw away your clothes

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