Life as a good little girl/The next morning dawns, bringing with it school

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The slamming of a door wakes you, bringing you out of a deep sleep filled with the kinds of scenes you usually see on your brothers computers. Another dream was of Tiffany, with her grinding her slimy cunt all over your face in front of your classmates and then using a strap on thicker than your arm to fuck your asshole as hard as possible.

"Yes!" you exclaim, bolting upright, then wondering what you're yelling for. Squinting in the early morning light you look around in confusion, slowly recalling that this is your room now and that...

"It's a school day!" you yell, as if the house needs to know. No one responds, letting you know that while you slept like a log - as usual - the entire family had left, leaving you with no family member to give you a ride to school.

Then you remember the clothes fiasco. "Oh no," you groan. "I don't have anything to wear. And I don't have a phone!"

As soon as the words leave your lips you realize you're wrong. Sitting on the desk, propped up agains the wall, is a small phone. It isn't yours, but it has a note.

'loaner for you. voice pw = 'i want a cock in my ass' --Rob

"Wh-what?" you stare at the note, then press the on button. The screen comes to life.

"Please speak new password," the phone requests mechanically.

Gulping, you remember the note and stare at the wall instead of the phone, noticing how the phone is propping up a picture of a naked woman, letting another picture peek out from underneath it. Pulling the picture up you see a small, flat-chested girl remarkably similar to you taking three cocks, another two in her hands.

"I want a cock in my ass," you blurt.

"Repeat password."

You flip up another picture, seeing a girl being yanked by her hair backwards onto an impossibly big club of a dick.

"I want a cock in my ass," you say again with a huskier voice.

"Password set."

"Huh?" Wait, does that mean you could have picked anything for the password?

Oh fuck. Staring at the wallpaper of the phone you see a clear picture of yourself from last night when Rob was fucking your ass. Your eyes seem to be pleading for more dick even though the cock is balls-deep inside you.

The phone lets out a throaty moan, making you jump, and shows an incoming text with Tiffany's name on it. You pick up the phone and reach forward to open the message, only for the screen to go black. Clicking the power button turns the screen back on but it just shows the wallpaper and nothing else. Clueing in you blush and say "I want a cock in my ass". The screen changes, showing the text.

'Where u at? Bus almost here'

Bus? Oh shit, you forgot about school! But what are you going to wear? Daddy threw all the good clothes away!

{[Life as a good little girl/Fortunately Tiffany's naughty schoolgirl outfit seems to have been put in the box you have]]

Life as a good little girl/You text Tiffany, begging her for clothes

Life as a good little girl/Maybe you can call on your neighbor. She might have clothes. At the least she won't be freaked out if you run over naked

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