Back into the woods(IE/WF)

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 13:27, 8 January 2018 by Leroyd1962 (Talk | contribs)

You decide to head back into the woods and take the right hand path hoping it brings you out closer to home. You've gone quite a distance when you stumble into another clearing this one, unlike the others is covered isn't empty as you notice four black guys sat around sharing a joint and drinking from a bottle laughing and joking. Hoping they don't spot you you back up slowly and head out of the clearing not daring to breathe until you are clear. You reach the turn where you know they can't see you seeing your chance you turn to move quickly away from the clearing and come face to face with another black guy, the scream that leaves your lips is cut short as he slaps you hard across the face knocking you to the ground and his foot pushes down onto your neck and he says.

"Now who the hell are you? "You ain't wearing our colors so you're not one of our bitches, so why don't you crawl back into the clearing so we can decide what to do with you."

The End.

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