Head towards the red glow

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 14:58, 29 September 2017 by Fredhot16 (Talk | contribs)
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You are curious about what the red glow is. Besides, you didn't come all the way to Peru just to wander around blindly. You came here to go where the action is.

You cautiously make your way closer to the red glow, sword ready in your right hand. Soon the illumination becomes bright enough that you no longer need your flashlight. You click it off, put it in your backpack, and draw your revolver with your left hand.

You approach a sharp turn in the passage. The glow is very bright now. Taking a deep breath, you peek around the corner. There is a large underground cavern filled with skeleton warriors. In the center of the open space lies an ancient Inca ceremonial altar.

As you continue to observe the fascinating scene, the altar slides open and a shape emerges from the darkness below. The mysterious figure is revealed to be a tall, fierce-looking man dressed as an Inca warrior. His hair is long and black and the muscles rippling underneath his darkly tanned skin look frighteningly powerful. The skeletons bow before him submissively.

Suddenly, the warrior whirls, his eyes focusing right on you with a piercing stare. With a bone-chilling war cry, he rushes at you with superhuman speed. You turn and run back around the corner, then bolt down the underground passage as fast as you can, glancing behind you every few seconds. Although you are a very fast runner, no human can match this creature's speed. He rapidly draws closer and closer.

Seeing how flight isn't going to work, your only option left is to fight. You begin aiming your revolver. The warrior throws his heavily muscled body into a cartwheel followed by a series of back handsprings, elegantly backflipping towards you with a speed not even an Olympic gymnast could match. You open fire, but his backflips are so blindingly fast that he can dodge all of your bullets.

You throw your revolver aside as it clicks empty. Readying your sword in a two-handed grip, you slash at him as he completes his tumbling pass with a high back tuck. You gulp in fear as the wound heals even before he lands neatly on his feet right in front of you. Before you can do anything else, he kicks the weapon out of your hand, then backhands you across the face, sending you crumpling to the cold stone floor of the cave in a heap.

The warrior stands over you. As you watch in horror, he transforms from a handsome man into a gruesome-looking demonic figure. With a sadistic cackle, he points a massive arm, now covered with red spikes, at your chest. He begins to speak in an ancient language that you somehow understand.

"Fool. You people made a great mistake disturbing my place of rest. I will destroy you like I destroyed the others. I will absorb your power into me like I did with them. Soon I will be strong enough to destroy all of your kind. Humanity will be burned into ashes, and the undead shall rule the earth."

A stream of red light appears from the monster's deformed hand, hitting you square in the chest. You scream as you begin to feel a horrific pain, growing in intensity by the second.

"Hmm. You are a strong one. You will add much to my power."

"NOOOOOOOOO!" you scream. With the last of your strength, you impale yourself on your sword, cheating the demon of his opportunity to steal your life essence.

As you expire, your last thought is a prayer that someone can stop this monster before he and his skeleton army destroys humanity.


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