Go by car

From Create Your Own Story

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You choose to go by car and leave Matt to walk to work by himself. You start your engine and pull out. You know the route pretty well and soon enough you arrive at the huge office building which is your work. Like you said before, you had to work hard to get an internship here but today it seems like your hard work is finally paying off.

The first person who greets you is one of the female interns Carly. She's your age and probably your best friend here at work. The two of you get along pretty well. Unfortunately, you despise her boyfriend Harry, also an intern, who clearly takes her for granted. You've learnt how to control the amulet so that it only works when you want it to and you don't use it against Carly. After you greet her you both realise you're in different parts of the building today and say your goodbyes.

You enter your bosses office, a middle aged man who was tasked with watching over you and making sure you never fucked anything up too badly. He was always on your case and never had time for your legitimate reasons why it wasn't you fault. This could be a good start.

Get a raise

Get him fired

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