Ignore the amulet and continue home

From Create Your Own Story

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You ignore what just happened and continue home, the amulet still around your neck. You make it all the way back to your apartment complex and go up the flight of stairs to your place. You enter and see a pair of shoes by the door which means your roommate Matt was back already. You've known Matt since high school and when you both realised you had similar jobs in the area you moved in together to split the rent cost. Calling you 'friends' would be a bit of a stretch because the two of you had always had your differences.

"Is that you squirt?" You heard a voice from the other room.

"Yeah, it's me buddy." You reply. You walk in to the main room to see Matt laid out on the couch.

"It's about time you got back dude. I'm so fucking hungry. Go buy me some food at the store." You'd just had a really long day at work and you could feel one of your rare outbursts welling up.

"I've been working all day for fuck sake! You go and buy your own damn food!" He rose from the couch to your surprise and grabbed some money off of the table.

"Yeah your right. I'll go get my own food." Matt said and left. You try to take in what had happened. First with the officer today and now with Matt. You sit down and relax, enjoying your own company for the first time in days, scrolling through the various channels until you find something you like.

An hour later Matt comes back from the store with a meal. "Why are you watching this crap?" He asks while eating.

"Because I want to. Leave me alone." You brace yourself, preparing for an argument, maybe even a fight but it doesn't happen. Instead he just walks away into his room. You seriously question what's happening today and look down at the amulet resting on your chest. Ever since you got this... no way.

Go to Matt's room

Relax by yourself

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