Find someone to take the edge off now

From Create Your Own Story

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You’ll go completely crazy if you don’t address this issue. On the other hand, you’ve already spent a good amount of time out of the festivities, and a second extended absence would certainly be noted. Whoever is going to help you fix the problem needs to be quick about it. Thankfully, the very man you had in mind starts to approach you.

Theiss is a pudgy and foul little man. Overly arrogant, even for by royal standards, he’s used to throwing his purse around, as well as his weight, to get what he wants. While by no means fond of him, in the past you’ve been willing to oblige him. The only thing going for him, other than his wealth, is his large dick, though even that is a mixed blessing. He hardly knows what to do with it, and is prone to cumming very quickly. This time, that’s actually something you’re looking for.

“Oh Your Majesty, you look absolutely radiant this evening, as I always knew you were destined to.” As he greets you and gives an affectionate hug, albeit one overly drawn out. Inside you sigh; even in a compliment to you, he brings himself into the picture. Still, he has what you want, and you know he wants to give it to you, so you keep your practiced smile on.

“Why thank you, Theiss! It’s so very nice to see you again.”

“Likewise Your Majesty.” He comes in close again to whisper “It would bring me great pleasure if we could look upon each other in private. It’s been too long since I’ve felt your warm embrace.”

You would normally scoff at his blatant behavior but he’s just given you the invite you were looking for, and you’re going to take it

Suck Theiss off

Have Theiss pound you outside

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