From Create Your Own Story

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This is taking way too long, something must have come up on their scan. You deploy your weapons, diverting nonessential power to your turbolasers as the turrets begin to glow on your ship's 3D hologram. Your scanners don't pick up any interceptors, not yet anyway, but you make a visual scan of every incoming and outgoing ship, trying to determine if any are moving into attack formation.

Your thumbs rest on the triggers, waiting for something to happen, but after a few more seconds Burgess comes back onto the channel. "Sorry about that, Captain. There's something wrong with our system, it says you've never docked-" You assume this is when his scanners pick up your now active weapons. "Something wrong, Captain?"

You quickly power your weapons down, and say, "Sorry about that, just running some diagnostics while I waited."

Burgess grunts. If he knows you're lying, he doesn't seem to care. "Well, you can finish your diagnostics on the station." His voice maintains it's same bored monotony, but his language becomes more official as he says, "Captain Vera Travis, you are cleared for landing. Proceed to dock four-three."

"Thanks, Captain Travis on route."

You expect the comms to cut out, but Burgess goes on just the same. "Captain, be advised that a Symbiosis Enterprise's technician will be waiting for you on the landing pad."

Great, another needless delay. "What for?"

"You don't show up in our systems, which shouldn't happen if you've docked with us before." That is odd, as many of your supply runs start at a Symbiosis station. "The technician will get you back in."

"Is that really necessary? I am in a bit of a rush here."

Burgess sighs and says, "well if you don't want to fill out information now you could do it the next time you land, but they'll drag you into a technician's office and the whole procedure will take hours. This way you can be done in less than 15 minutes."

What a pain in the ass. You wonder if it would be better to just get it out of the way now, though you'd rather not keep your contact waiting any longer than you need to. Still, it seems like Burgess is doing you a favor here, but could it really take the whole day?

"It's your choice, Captain Travis."

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