Get naked(60 Bi(IE/BM)

From Create Your Own Story

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You feign indifference as they discuss it among themselves before they decide it could be fun and quickly strip down. When they sit down you stand up and and remove the shorts you are wearing you hear them both gasp as you uncover your cock much to your delight, you then sit back down.

"Doesn't that feel better?"

You ask them both and they nod unable to speak or take their eyes off of your cock. You lay back smoking the joint you have encouraging them to do the same, their constant giggling telling you it's having the desired effect. They talk about their up and coming plans for college and how excited they both are even though they're going to different colleges while they finish the joint they're smoking and after a brief bout of whispering Alice asks.

"We seem to have finished ours is there any more?"

"Sure is, in my room why doesn't one of you go roll one?"

Who goes:

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