Fantasy RPG Plot Hooks/Urban/Crazy Cock and Bull Story

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Crazy Cock and Bull Story

Urban, High-Magic

A wizardly farmer has been trying to increase his farm's production. He started by studying the relationship between owlbears and gryphons and progressed to his own polymorphic breeding experiments. He bred a half-cow half-chicken “cowchick” for egg-laying dairy livestock.

Unfortunately, he underestimated the ferocity of his “cockbull” during spring. It's a creature with the head, wings and talons of a rooster, the size, horns and hindquarters of a bull and the temper of both combined.

If you need combat stats for your chosen system, use a hippogriff scaled to the right level and reskin it to suit your needs.

The ambitious farmer needs some temporary farmhands to tame or control an aggressive, powerful, flying beast, but be careful not to kill it or cause any injury that will prevent it from fertilizing the eggs. But even if the PCs help the farm become a success, will they anticipate the problems that come with proliferation of domestic magical beasts?

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