Life of John Love- YOU will sleep on the couch

From Create Your Own Story

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"You can sleep in my bed, I'll sleep on the couch." You state in a rather monotonous tone. Your sister eyes you with surprise, almost in shock.

"Huh? Are you sure? I can sleep on the couch, it's your house after all."

"No it's fine. It would bother me to force my younger sister to sleep on the couch."

"Wow, thanks, really for everything. I know I'm being selfish and yet you just play a long." she picks up her luggage and moves towards your room. You made sure to tell to not touch anything that is yours unless she asked you about it. As she took take to unload her things, you notice that it's almost dinner time. You don't feel like cooking so you just call for a pizza.

Your sister took so long to get her things right that the pizza arrived before she got out of your room. Placing the pizza on the living room, you sit on the couch and turn on the TV as you start to eat a slice of pizza. Soon after you hear steps coming from your room and your sister joins you. After dinner, you both watched some TV together and then went to sleep.

It was uncomfortable night, but you managed to sleep.

It's Tuesday

A new day arrives and you wake up before your sister. After a quick shower you go to the kitchen and decide what you want for breakfast

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