Catch up with Keann

From Create Your Own Story

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Curiosity gets the best of you. Using your access to security cam footage, you see she is going to the parking lot. This wouldn't be too out of the ordinary, but she repeatedly looks over her shoulder, and was definitely up to something. You begin to follow her, the security footage streamed to your smartphone. This allows you to stay right behind her, yet never visible.

Once she gets to the parking lot, she makes a beeline for the west lot. This is strange, not only because her car is in the east lot but because the cameras in the west lot seem to be out. Confused, you hide behind a parked car, and stunned by what you see. However, you do have the common sense to record it.

Keann approaches a dark car, which opens a window for her. She hands them a manila folder, and speaks with them briefly. You are too far to hear what she says, and before long the car speeds away.

You can't believe what you just witnessed. Keann is working with the enemy! She is also walking toward you, and you have to make a judgement call.

Do you confront her?

Yes, confront your secretary

No, you have all you need

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