D&D: You are summoned by the senior cleric

From Create Your Own Story

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Your attention is suddenly caught by a loud knock on your door. You walk over to it and opens it. A young messenger clerk is there. "The senior asked to see you" he asks with a slight reverence. You are higher rank then him and he should pay you respect. You nods and speak clearly :"Understood." You pick up the last of your things and realise the clerk is still patiently waiting at the entrance. As he should. "You may dismiss." you finally give him the order and he walks away.

You walks down the halls. The church of bane is a mix between a clerical institution and a military barracks. Young devotees are trained in the teachings of bane, his miracles and his laws as well as how to enforce them.

You reach a staircase and get to the second level of the church where you find the senior cleric's study. You knock on the door and hear the voice of the man inviting you in. You opens and steps in. The room is a war room, a trophy showcase and a study. A few libraries containing old tomes of bane's teaching. Trophy are also scattered around, weapons and rings as well as claws and fangs from beasts and monsters. The senior cleric is really something.

His voice reaches you and takes you out of your observations:"Ah good. I've been expecting you." he says. His voice is authoritarian. The kind of dominant person you like. And his body is one of a war hero.

"You asked to see me, senior cleric," you respond. While he is one hell of a man, he is nonetheless your superior and you would do well to remember that.

"Yes," he continues. "I did." You can't help to notice nonetheless his eyes trailing your body and brings a smile to your face.

D&D: He says "I have a task for you"

D&D: He says "Just how good is your devotion"

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