Norman adventure

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 21:42, 2 April 2008 by Mask man (Talk | contribs)
    Hello, I am having some trouble with this.
    I have wiki formate knowlage(not very much but enough to have a good understanding), but am having trouble with this one. I havn't used wiki's for awhille, so it may be becouse of this. My original knowlage was not too much, I had to copy paste alot of things.
    Anyway, I deleted this page from the mainpage becouse of a few problems. I made a very large introduction to this adventure, but when i preveiwed it, a box surrounded most of it, and paragraph indentings were taken out. If someone finds this, please help. After some exparementing i found that the secound paragraph to the end of the text section is boxed. I dont want to Re-Type the whole thing I had of intro, maybe later. The no wiki formating doesnt really help, it takes away paregraph indentings. I indent by putting five spaces, no other formats or anything. When you read this, it will most likely be boxed and un indented. I will get some help later, but if you find this now, it would help if you helped me. I just chose to quickly type up this short explaination as to whats been going on here.

Do you:

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