Church in pornworld

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 13:14, 5 August 2016 by Storyteller252 (Talk | contribs)

The church helpers were giving out the books as we came into church, plsyboy, razzle and marks and Spencer lingerie catalogues, my favourite.

The vicar spent some time fondling some of the older ladies as they entered, always doing things for the old folks, they love him.

I stood with my mother and the vicar's wife came over to us. "Hello there, had a nice week ?" "Well actually, he still hasn't fucked me for the first time yet !" My mother said with some exasperation. The vicar's wife turned to me with a smile, "dont you worry, you take your time and fuck her when you are ready." Wow the vicar's wife is so pretty, I would fuck her any time she asked me."

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