DirtyMeStoryTime Rants/Held up while fucked

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We came across a strange guy, dancing his way down the street, rather than walking.

"What do you make of him?" I whisper to you.

You shake your head, not sure what to make of him either.

As the guy approaches us, he holds out his arms, heading straight towards me.

I throw you a puzzled look, him a surprise look, but let him take me in his arms.

We dance there, on the sidewalk, some sort of ballroom dance. He dips me, then nuzzles his face against the bottom of my top, nose pushing it up, breasts popping out. He stands me back up, brings my hand to his zipper, and whispers in my ear, "If you would do the honors."

It is strange, and actually feels sort of nice. Like I am a princess. A slutty, whore princess, but a princess.

I unzip his pants, and pull out his throbbing member.

He thanks me, then lifts me up, pulling me tight against him, somehow perfectly aligning my twat and his pecker.

In one smooth motion, he is inside me.

He legs go of my middle and grabs my hips, as I throw my arms around his neck. His hands push my pelvis away from him, then toward him.

Soon I am practically bouncing against him as he continues the dance steps. 1...2...3...1...2...3

Bounce two three

Bounce two three

Bounce two three

Our flesh makes smacking noises with each bounce, and I know the dance is done when he pushes me away, his male meat pressing against my skirt, pumping out his man juices.

He puts me down, thanks me for the dance, and dances away. "I will be back," he yells over his shoulder while the others on the street laugh.

"We must have looked pretty funny together like that," I state to you as I pull my top back down. I don't even bother waiting to see if you respond to my rhetorical question before walking on.

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