TFA: On Jakku, after crash landing

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As you wake up in the familiar sand, you try to remember how you got there. You know you had been in a Tie Fighter...with that Storm Trooper guy that you named Finn. You were shot down, but ejected yourself from the Tie.

Now you are on Jakku. You get up, and look around, for any sign of Finn, but he does not seem to be close. So you start walking, trough the terribly hot desert. It almost kills you, even after hours of walking you can't find any sign of a colony or a town or of anything. Finally you see some small creature, riding on a big elephant-like thing through the desert. You call for it, and the rider stops. The alien is small and grey, wearing a mask to breath and you see, as you get closer, that it only has three fingers on its hands. You know that species from your research: it's a Teedo. " Please, can you help me? I crash landed, and I don't know where to go". The Teedo looks at you for a second before he continues on his journey, while giving you a clear sign that you should follow.

What do you do?

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