CBP: Phase Her Pants Through the Ground

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 02:26, 1 April 2016 by Griffon Lovers (Talk | contribs)
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Not so fast, you say to yourself as you grab the jeans from around her ankles. You know that you have to get rid of them somehow, but you can't seem to free them from her feet. Suddenly, as you struggle with the denim, something incredible happens. You pull the crumpled jeans down with incredible force and, to your astonishment, they disappear beneath the floor. Lindsay's hands grope the ground in search of something to cover herself with, but to her horror, her pants are gone.

She shoots up and turns around, her hands covering her cunt. "This isn't fucking funny, guys!" she roars. Her eyes scanning the room and eventually falling on her husband.

"Don't look at me!" he shouts, stifling a laugh. "If I want to see your ass, I'd just ask."

Gavin is trying to contain himself as he shift his phone into vertical view, getting all of Lindsay's figure in the shot.

Her cheeks start to turn red. "I'm going to go to HR. I'm serious, guys!"

Gavin, one hand still stabilizing the phone, grabs a bottle of water off his desk. "Take fast!" he yells, the bottle flying form his hand.

In a moment of confusion, Lindsay lifts both her hands up to block the bottle from hitting her. Gavin takes the opportunity to zoom in on her now unobscured sweet spot. The bottle of water connects with her hand and splashes all over her. She stands there, completely taken aback, as water runs down her chest, droplets forming on the ends of her breasts.

Geoff breaks the silence. "All right, I think now's a good time for a break." He pauses his capturing equipment as the rest of the room does the same. Gavin stops recording as Lindsay's hands fly back down to her cunt.

"Meg is not gonna BELIEVE this!" he says.

Lindsay's face turns redder. "No!" she shouts. "Come on, Gavin. Please, just delete the video." Gavin seems to think about this, and then resolutely says, "nah."

Lindsay starts to run towards the door, embarrassment flooding her cheeks. She grips the door handle just as Gavin manages to get out, "unless..."

She turns around and sees the wicked smile on his face. Gavin leans into Michael's ear and whispers something. "What the fuck do I care?" Michael responds. Gavin springs up from his desk and makes his way over to Lindsay. Her eyes follow him carefully as he approaches her. Gavin stops, not one foot away form Lindsay. He leans in close and whispers in her ear, "unless you let me fuck you."

Lindsay recoils in disgust managing to get out a firm, "no."

"All right," Gavin says. "I'll just post this to the Cock Bite site, I guess." He turns to walk away as Lindsay grabs his shirt.

"Wait," she squeaks, as she stares at the floor. She's silent for a good time, until...

"Fine," she says, begrudgingly. Gavin's face lights up, and his hand flies towards her cunt. Lindsay yelps, squirming at the sudden insertion of his three fingers.

"Christ, you're wet. Voyeurism really do it for ya, huh?" Gavin says as he prods her with his fingers. Lindsay lets out a little moan, in chorus with the sounds of zippers being unfastened. Gavin pulls his fingers out from her cunt, and lifts them to her mouth. With trepidation, she parts he lips and sucks on his wet fingers. Jack and Jeremy are moving towards them now, and Lindsay, having sucked all of her juices off of Gavin's hand, goes in for a kiss. Gavin slaps her across the face and she stumbles back. "I don't kiss whores," he tells her.


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