Piggy's Day/Throw your hand

From Create Your Own Story

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You loosen the screw-on hook, and hold your arm back, as if to throw.

Captain Fat-Piggy: "INCOMING!"

The hook flies off, and hits Keel-haul-Mike in the... lower areas.

Keel-haul-Mike: "Owwwww.... My crotch."

At this point, Morris sets off as fast as possible to avoid having to deal with you. The two crewmembers who lost the gunpowder now rush up to the deck.

A crewmember: "We came as soon as we could!"

They did, in fact not. Should you have perished, the rest of the crew would have rejoiced and embraced the new captain.

Captain: "Good. You can give Keel-haul-Mike his first keel-hauling."

Another crewmember: "Eh, you always have everyone keel-hauled! Why not come up with a different punishment for change?"

The captain looks back at the plank he was just standing on.

Captain: Well, since I already have that set up..."

And this, my friends, is how pirates started walking people off the plank. The practice never gained much notion outside of Fat-Piggys ship.


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