Life as a good little girl/Channel Tiffany some more and tease Mark for being indecisive

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"Just admit it, Mark," you start, shifting your weight and twisting your hips as you remember something you've heard Tiffany say to a boy before. "You have no idea what to do with a pretty girl, do you?"

Mark dips his head to the side far enough to look down into your eyes, folded over as you are. His gaze is flat and uncaring which is a big change from a moment ago when he still seemed excited.


With startling speed Mark plunges the bulbous head of his cock straight into your asshole. Your body tips forward from the forceful thrust. Off balance, you try to straighten yourself at your waist but Mark has already grabbed onto your lower back and pulled you into him. His hand keeps you bent straight down and prevents your backside from distancing itself from his cock, but he also helps balance you.

"I can prove you wrong," he counters in a dead tone.

Thanks to the extreme angle you're bent over, it feels like Mark's dick is trying to come out of your back. It takes several more thrusts and weighty movements on his behalf to force his cock downward and further into your body instead of bumping against the inside of your spine.

Meanwhile, you can't even breathe. Did your brother's dick just knock the wind out of you? One moment you were partaking in good-natured banter with him and the next... he's fucking your ass. Your brain can hardly comprehend it. But your body responds completely differently. Your rear feels unnaturally stretched and insanely full, but the movement of each of his thrusts is very satisfying. Feeling Mark penetrate you is intoxicating. Feeling his cock slide deeper into your body is wonderful, even addicting. The thin wall separating your ass and vagina allows your sex to sense of his exact length and girth as your empty cock sleeve quickly gets wetter and wetter from the involuntary stimulation.

Eventually your body allows you to breathe again. You draw in air, expecting to finally release the scream that was trapped inside your lungs.


Your voice fades out before you're forced to draw another deep breath, your brief exhalation as much a moan as anything.

You wrap your arms around your legs desperate to hold on to something, but your brother's heavy thrusts prevent you from feeling stable. Instead you reach between your staggered legs and latch onto Mark's ankles pulling yourself as taught as possible, bending yourself as far as your waist will allow you to. This extra bit of pressure only tightens your insides around your brother's meat but the discomfort inside your bum is easily offset by the proportionally stronger stimulation of your vagina.

"I'm s-so full..." Your overloaded mind is unable to articulate anything beyond that simple truth.

"Yea, yeah, yea-ah," groans Mark with every thrust. "Fuckin - dumb - tight - slut..."

Mere moments later Mark yells and bucks into you deeper than ever, slapping his balls against you. You can just barely feel him throb inside you several times then pull back somewhat dramatically, sliding out of you even faster than he went in. Your entire body tenses up as he leaves you, the actions working in tandem to squeeze out the load of spunk he just shot deep into your ass.

Mark isn't done though. He latches onto his cock and fires off several more rounds depositing even more of his seed across the silky surface of your wide bottom. But you can't keep from staring at your asshole, or as much as you can see of it from this absurd angle, as a hefty glob of semen oozes out of you and runs down onto your pussy. The warm wet wad cascading down your lips sends horny tingly sensations from your clit to deep inside your pussy.

You stare at it in wonder. You stare at it in perversion. And you stare as the glob drips from your pink lips and smacks you right in the face.

Life as a good little girl/Masturbate with your brother's cum

Life as a good little girl/Mark blackmails you with the video he made of it all

Getting smacked in the face by semen finally snaps you out of your trance; ask your brother for his phone

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