Life as a good little girl/The boys have fun at your expense

From Create Your Own Story

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With your step-father accelerating you are momentarily pressed back against all three brothers.

"We're not your bed, Stephi," Mark snorts, pushing you forward.

In danger of falling into the gap between front and back-seat you push against your step-father's seat, rolling back onto your brother's laps.

They push you again, making a game of it, rolling you back and forth. At some point you find yourself face-up, and feel a hand pushing you by pressing on your breast, while another lands high on the outside of your bare outer thigh.

Feeling the contact on such dangerous territory you scramble to right yourself, squirming back to the face-down position, Your skirt flips up, baring your back-side to them, but before you can protest or panic you feel a hand tugging on the back of your top.

"Enough fooling around, Stephi," your oldest brother admonishes, like it was you who started it.

Feeling the delicately knotted top stretch under his pulling you scramble to get upright before it can pop open. Your hands inadvertantly come down several times on your brothers' crotches and thighs as you move, leaving you flushed with embarrassment when you are finally plopped firmly upon your eldest step-brother's lap.

Feeling a sharp object poke you from Danny's pocket you scuttle sideways, your bare butt scraping across the front of his shorts as you seek a more comfortable position on his other thigh.

"Ow. Not there, Stephi," Danny complains, and drags you right back across his lap and onto that sharp object.

"You've got something sharp in your pocket," you complain, and wriggle back across his lap, your back rubbing up against his strong chest as you do.

"You've just got a boney butt," he tells you, dragging you back, his hands firmly wrapping gripping your upper rib-cage to force you back upon the pointy object, his fingers resting on the edges of your breasts.

Outraged, you ignore his fingers and cry out, "I do not! It's your keys or something!"

"Oh. My keys," he says, as if a light has gone one. His right hand drags across your chest, displacing your top and pressing roughly against your right breast before scraping to a stop on your left. Your mouth opens to protest, but the next moment you're in the air as he lifts you up off the sharp object.

With your head tilted until it almost rests against the window you can feel your butt angled toward your other brothers.

"Nah, She doesn't look boney," Mark comments, then firms gropes your butt. "Doesn't feel boney either. What do you think, Rob?"

"Stop it!" you order, but they ignore you. Rob reaches across, and smacks your butt.

"Feels alright. Not too much, not too little, even if she is just a little girl."

"I am not…" you gasp as they keep rubbing your ass.

"There," Danny says, plopping you down.

At first you think that he's dropped you on Rob and Mark's hands, but a quick glance at them confirms that they each have their hands away from you and occupied. Naturally they both have yanked out their phones to play with.

Maybe the boys will settle down now and the trip will be fine, you think.

Then you realize that Danny still has his hand on your breast and you can feel your right nipple pressing against his arm with no cloth between you and him.

"You… you can let me go now," you whisper, not wanting to draw the attention of your other brothers.

"No I can't. Since you're not wearing a seat-belt I have to hold on to you," he whispers back, his mouth right up against your ear.

Although you intend to protest further you are distracted by the realization that there's something moving under you. A scream nearly erupts from your mouth as you feel the slight movement, and you whip your legs open, looking down between them, realizing for the first time that in all the movements your skirt has moved so that the gaping side slit of the little skirt is now located at the front.

You gaze down between your legs, your jaw dropping as soon as you realize you're staring down at Danny's naked dick. Looking enormously thick and long even compared to the guys in the porn videos it looks like it's still hardening under your appalled, yet fascinated gaze.

"Y… Your… penis…" you whisper to him, for some reason not wanting the others to know.

"Yeah, you were teasing me so much it got hard and slipped out of my shorts. It's all your fault because you were deliberately rubbing all over it, weren't you?" he whispers back, his lips inadvertantly closing on your ear lobe with every other word. It feels shamefully good.

"B… but…. It's just… out there…" you whisper, barely audible, missing your chance to deny his accusation.


"They'll see!" you hiss quietly, tilting your head a little to indicate your brothers.

"Then hide it," Danny whispers back, his tongue hitting your ear by accident.

Life as a good little girl/Hop off his lap and ridicule him

Life as a good little girl/Hide it under your thighs

Life as a good little girl/Hide it in a more natural hiding spot. Like your pussy

Life as a good little girl/Hide it in your asshole

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