Life as a good little girl/"Put some clothes on and come out to the car."

From Create Your Own Story

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"Yes, clothes," he smiles, drawing his hand back. That inadvertantly puts his rough calloused fingers over your sensitive nipples, which almost immediately spring to attention. "I know you don't like them too much."

"Clothes," you mutter, and stare around, wondering where you are. Your bleary mind registers that you're in bed, spread-eagled because of the warmth, and that a pair of large patio doors are in front of you, giving you a great view of the large, seedy apartments behind your house.

"Oh great," you mutter, remembering the room switch. Stretching your arms toward the headboard you arch your back upward, belatedly realizing that your step-father's hand is still positioned over your nipple, and your action has pressed your breast into his hand.

"Sorry kid, but you have to wear something for your cousin's birthday," Joe says, pulling his hand away like nothing happened. You feel your face color from the embarrassment of being both naked in front of him and brazenly pressing your breast against him.

Joe walks out the door and you scramble after him, only to stand dumbly in the open doorway as you re-discover the fact that your room has no doorway. You back quickly back into your room and look around, absorbing again your new living arrangement. Atop the dresser you see a pathetically small mound of clothes and remember that this is all that remains of your wardrobe.

Groaning at the thought of your lost clothes you approach the dresser, nervously looking to the left. Your three brothers' doors are all open, meaning they could walk out at any moment and see you standing naked.

"Come on Stephi, we're waiting," Joe says, poking his head back around the corner at the end of the corridor.

"Um. My clothes..." you begin.

"Just grab something light. It's a scorcher. I'm sure your mom would understand."

"No, I mean I don't..."

Your mom! Somehow you doubt she'd 'understand' you being dressed in practically nothing. She might even ground you, tell you that you can't go with them dressed like that. What a shame it would be to miss your evil cousin Britney's birthday party, you think with a grin. At the worst she'd force you to stop to buy something 'decent'.

Feeling much better about the day you pick up the clothes you'd picked out, frowning a little at how much smaller they seem than yesterday. And yesterday they seemed real small. Maybe it's because yesterday you were prancing around shamelessly. First there was the barely there outfit Tiffany chose, in which you kept showing off your nudity, and then there was you actually naked at home. Thinking about it is enough to make your face and crotch go hot in embarrassment.

Taking another look at the clothes you could swear the handkerchief you planned to use as a top was bigger. This would never tie around you back. In fact, the only way you can figure that it would make a top is to fold it in half over a draw-string you tie around your chest, which leaves the bottom of the hankie pointing toward your crotch like an arrow. The string has to be tied directly above your nipples for the hanky to cover them, meaning a lot of your chest is exposed.

The skirt doesn't seem much worse than yesterday, but it quickly becomes apparent you'd overestimated your ability to fit into it. Fortunately it has a zipper on the side, but it's so short that you have to pull it absurdly low on your hips. It's a good thing you don't have pubic hair, or it'd be on display. As it is it barely covers your pussy lips, which are already feeling wet. From the heat, of course. Having the skirt down around your hips instead of your narrower waist means you can barely make the teeth of the zipper meet, giving you perhaps half an inch of sealed zipper. An inch at most when you pull hard.

Consoling yourself with the knowledge that your mom will force you to get real clothes along the way - or make you stay home - you head outside.

Joe is putting a few foldable chairs in the back of the SUV and your brothers turn at your approach. Danny and Rob just stare for a moment until Mark whistles and they all break into leers, making you shuffle your bare little feet in embarrassment.

"Guys, cut it out! Your mom worked a double-shift yesterday and she got home late. You'll wake her up," Joe admonishes without looking over.

"Wake? She's asleep?" you ask, with a sinking feeling. How is she supposed to ground you or force you to get new clothes if she's asleep?

"Of course she is. I wouldn't worry about them waking her if she was already awake would I?" Joe snorts, heading toward the driver's door. "Now get in, the sun's barely up and we have a long drive."

Grimacing, you look at the passenger door, and spot your mother, a pair of noise-cancelling headphones over her head and a sleep blindfold over her eyes.

While you were looking at your mom the guys all piled into the middle seat of the SUV, leaving you the entire third row. Or so you think until you take a closer look

"The... the seats in the back are down. Where am I supposed to sit?" you whine plaintively, seeing the back stuffed with chairs and coolers, the third row of seats folded down to accommodate them.

"Just sit on one of your brothers' laps. If I see a cop I'll signal you to lie down so we don't get a ticket."


"I missed my games last night thanks to you changing rooms with Mark so I'm gonna be listening to them on my headphones. And since someone," he glares at Danny, "broke the rearview mirror I'm gonna rely on you guys to police yourselves and not distract me."

"Yessir," Rob smiles innocently.

"Absolutely," Mark nods.

"Whatever," Danny says, busy folding his tall, muscular frame into the car. Unlike the other two brothers your eldest sibling isn't nerdy but rather tall and muscular with a thuggish face. You can picture him being either a jock or a hoodlum at his school. You're not sure which since he scares you a little and you tend to avoid him.

After Mike gets into the car you find yourself with the dilemma of which brother's lap you should sit on. Unfortunately you don't have much of a choice. Creepy Mark is on the far side, Rob is in the middle, and Danny is closest. You crawl into the car and on to Danny's lap. As soon as your feet clear the door Danny pulls the door shut and Joe pulls out, sending you sprawling across their laps.

Life as a good little girl/Miraculously the trip is uneventful

Life as a good little girl/The boys have fun at your expense

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