Pokemon: Choose beldum

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 01:12, 14 January 2016 by Maverick5963 (Talk | contribs)

The story now becomes a journal entry type thing.

I was so happy I almost died. I felt as if I was gonna burst out of my clothes and go around shrieking. I got a Pokemon. Just then, my best friend Kent, rushed through the door. "Hey Christopher, you got one already?" I nodded, and stepped away so he could then pick one. He closed his eyes and snatched one. The professor nodded and kicked us out. I quietly said, "Want to have a battle?" He nodded quickly and immediately threw his. I saw that he had chosen Gible, and I was a little jealous but I still did not regret grabbing Beldum. I sent out Beldum, and I was about to have my very first battle. All I could think about was my journey about to unfold. All of my life continued after this one small battle... I casually said, "Beldum, use Tackle." I was surprised when I saw Gible go flying, then I remembered that Beldums are made of metal, and if you got slugged with metal, you might go flying. Gible began to glow brown, and it unleashed a spout of sand, which spewed to the ground. At first I thought it was hurt, but then I saw it's dead, red eyes. That Gible was MAD. Kent smiled and barked, "Gible use Tackle!" Beldum flew into a tree and rushed back with a big scratch on its metal body. I said, "Use Psybeam."

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