We had sex at the cafe, this morning."

From Create Your Own Story

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You grab Tina's hand and the two of you walk over to Ellene.

"Hey, Ellene, can we cut in here?" You ask.

"Sure, Jackie." She replies as she steps back and let's you in the line.

"This is my roommate. Her name is Tina." You say.

"I know." Ellene says, smiling at Tina. She turns to you. "We went to high school together." She explains. "So what are you girls here to see?"

"Against the Horde." Tina replies.

"Oh, me too." She says before turning to face you. "Would you mind buying my ticket, Jackie? You owe me one after what happened at the cafe." She winks.

"What happened at the cafe?" Tina asks. Ellene blushes and smiles, looking shyly at her feet. "Oh!" Tina emotes as she realises the rumours about some girls having sex at the cafe were about you two. She turns to you. "You make friends quickly." She jokes.

"Hi, sweetie." You hear a voice behind you and you turn around to see you've reached the front of the line.

"Hello." You greet the woman behind the counter. "Three tickets to Against the Horde, please."

You buy the ticket and the three of you enter the building. The light, thin fabric of Ellene's dress bounces up and down as she walks. She stops in front of the snack bar line. "You girls want snacks?" She asks.

"It's up to Jackie." Tina says. "She's buying."

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Gender Female
Height 5’ 8”
Weight 121 lbs
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