A Girl's Night Out/“I’d rather keep going in here, actually… it’s kind of exhilarating.”

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< A Girl's Night Out
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She kisses you again and again, every touch setting fire to your skin. Sliding her fingers out from between yours, she runs them up your sides, stopping on your breasts. Your nipples get hard in a second. Everything about her feels so good…

You can tell she wants to go further, but she isn’t making any moves to undress you. As her tongue glides over yours, you realize she’s waiting for your explicit consent. Her thoughtfulness makes you blush a bit more.

“Mmm… y’know…” You close your lips for a moment to end that last kiss. “We could take our clothes off.”

Her own blush darkens. “You sure? We don’t have to go that fast if y’don’t want to.”

Suspicions confirmed. You had no idea she could be this cute. “I’m sure,” you answer softly. “I feel safe with you.”

Your words light up her face in surprise, then in an alluring mixture of happiness and determination. Arms encircling your waist, she pulls you into a gentle embrace.

“You’re givin’ me too much credit,” she whispers, stroking your hair. “But I’ll try to live up to that.”

You lay your head against her, resting for a moment. Her heart thunders in your ear, and you know that this is only the calm before the storm.

She starts to say something when you suddenly feel a presence behind you. Jay’s arms stiffen around you, prompting you to pull your head away and look up.

“Hmm,” Layla frowns, hands on her blue-jean clad hips. “Guess you weren’t so sick after all.”

Jay smirks. “What about it?”

The blonde waves her hand dismissively. “Nothin’, your choice how you go about things. Interesting trick, though. Wouldn’t have thought of it myself.” Her gaze lands on you, making your cheeks burn. “I came in here to see how you were doing, but you look pretty good to me.”

Rather than leaving, she lingers for a few more endless seconds, those jade eyes teasing yours. Her lips turn up into a mischievous grin that sends your heart spiraling.

“On that note, I have some free time right now. Got a friend to cover for me at the bar.” She leans forward ever so slightly into the stall, close enough for a bit of her Angel perfume to waft toward you. “So, that said… mind if I stay for a bit?”

You can’t see Jay’s face, but you can feel the tenseness in her fingers poised over your head.

"Sure, that might be fun."

"Only if Jay's all right with it."

"No thanks, I think we're good."

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