Life as a good little girl/Put on the handkerchief and skirt

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 04:22, 25 November 2015 by Freds shadow (Talk | contribs)

The play dress and shorts are both just too... girly, you decide, and pick up the hanky and skirt. You'll probably be showing more skin if you wear these, but after the day you had showing a bit of skin's not going to bug you as much as it would have yesterday.

"Pizza!" Joe calls out, home already. His arrival creates a dilemma. You love pizza, but you don't want to go out dressed in your skimpy clothes. You also don't want to risk getting your clothes dirty. You're going to have to wear them only when you have to until you get new stuff.

"Could you bring a few slices to my room?" you call out from your door, your head the only part showing. "I'm... not feeling great," you lie, and jump over the bed, slouching down on the other side so anyone looking in would see only your head.

"Hey Stephi," Mark says a few minutes later, standing at the entrance of your room, a plate in hand with several slices.

"Just put it on the dresser," you tell him.

"Nah, I can walk it over," he starts moving toward you.

"N-no, you should..."

"Hey! You're naked! Wow, you turning into a nudist? Or you just like letting guys look at you?"

"N-no, I just... My clothes... Just leave the pizza!" you sputter, nearly ready to cry as you cover your chest and curl up to hide your privates.

"Geez, alright. I'll just put it on the desk," he says, walking past your and the bed to the desk at the far end. He puts the plate of steaming pizza down, taking every opportunity to look over at you.

"Sooo... Need anything else? Hey, I forgot your pop!"

"Forget it! I'm not... I don't want pop," you grouse. "Just get out," you tell him.

"Okay," he says with a nonchalent nod and a lecherous grin, his eyes never stopping their journey over your covered, but naked body. Slowly he walks by, then pauses. "Just yell if you need me," he winks.

"Get out!"

"Going. Fine fine," he says, and finally leaves you alone.

The rest of your night goes by better than that, although it's boring being confined to your room. Without your phone you can't even text Tiffany. You do have an old laptop that Danny - the computer whiz of the family - grudgingly let you have. It's not the greatest laptop, though he did say something about it having the best HD webcam on the market. You don't know why you'd care if your friends - singular at the moment - could see you in HD. The rest of the time it just made for a nice night light since the green light beside the camera was broken and wouldn't turn off. You tried getting Danny to fix it, but he just shrugged.

"That's why I gave it to you," he'd smirked.

Sighing, you slouch behind your bed, legs spread apart so you can put the small laptop between them. Your parents insisted that Danny put parental controls on it, and there was no way you were going to ask him to bypass it like he did on your brothers's computers. It'd be too humiliating admitting that you wanted to watch porn. Instead you had to sneak into your brothers' rooms to use their laptops whenever you wanted to do 'research' for your Tiffany stories. Tonight you settled for just surfing around the web, looking up cheap clothes. For some reason you kept gravitating toward stuff like the outfit Tiffany had picked out today.

Eventually you put the laptop back on the desk, plug it in to recharge, and leave it open as you always do. It makes for a nice night light as it faces your bed, but as it turns out, you don't need a night light since the stupid light switch doesn't work.

"Great. Joe must have 'fixed' it today," you grumble, glaring up at the overhead light that won't turn off.

Just wanting to put the day in the past you crawl onto the bed without bothering to put anything on. Ever since moving here you've found it too warm for pajamas or even covers, so you've gotten used to sleeping naked at night. At first you just stare out the plate glass patio doors at the apartment behind your building, feeling a little worked up at the memory of the day, but with no door you're reluctant to indulge in any masturbation. Besides, you barely ever manage to get satisfaction from masturbation. It just works you up into an excited state. Eventually doze off.

"Stephi, wake up!" a voice exclaims, and calloused, work-roughened hands shake your bare shoulder.

"Sleepin'" you mutter, but the hands won't stop shaking you.

"Wake up, Stephi."

Blearily opening your eyes you look up to see Joe standing over you.

"Whu...?" you eloquently ask.

Life as a good little girl/"We've called for a babysitter so you won't be all alone"

Life as a good little girl/"Put some clothes on and come out to the car."

Life as a good little girl/"Wake up, you were supposed to be at the school bus stop five minutes ago."

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